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那天,郡主没有再说话。After that day Llywelyn never spoke again.

您的仆人叫西赛柳,美丽的郡主。Cesario is your servant's name, fair princess.

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年轻的郡主们被接回宫里。The young princesses were taken back to the palace.

没什么,只是皇帝封我为郡主了!Anything, only has not been emperor seals me as the infanta !

前利物浦队长保罗因斯被任命作诺茨郡主教练。Former Liverpool captain Paul Ince has been appointed manager of Notts County.

2008年的一场非洲郡主之间的会议将卡扎菲推选为这个大陆的“王中王”。A 2008 meeting of African monarchs proclaimed Gaddafi the continent's "king of kings".

也有人说名字来源是约克郡主教圣威廉,或者英国国王威廉一世。It is also said to be named after Saint William of York or after William the Conqueror.

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啊,这紫云郡主将会是我们风辰国的皇妃吧!This lavender cloud princess will be us breeze Chen the dictator imperial concubine of the country!

第二天差斥派卫队,护送元芳、郡主和曾泰前往突厥。The next day denounced the poor to send Guard, escort Yuan Fang, Jun Zhu, and Turks who went to Thailand.

清华郡主和牡丹都只是笑,彼此没有看对方一眼。Chin Hua princess and peonies entire fair laugh, each additional didn't penetrate the other gathering an eye.

清华郡主却也没再继续逼问她,默默地转身走了。Chin Hua princess merely also have not repeatedly continue to compel to ask her, silently corner round to walk.

紫云郡主,这话未免伤了蓝衣的心,蓝衣对郡主情深似海。Purple cloud princess, this words is the heart of injuring the blue clothe, blue wear to princess deep love sea.

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不过就是说你长的俊,将来好送去给那个刁蛮郡主当夫君而已!However be mention what you grew is handsome, in the hereafter send to be a husband to that obstinate princess just!

小郡主闭着的双眼中流出眼泪,两行珠泪从腮边滚了下来。The Little Countess had shut her eyes again, but two fat tears escaped from under their lids and coursed down her cheeks.

要是你把未来的立宪制郡主所需要的原料注入一台电脑,你就能生产出威廉王子。If you fed the necessary ingredients for a future constitutional monarch into a computer, it would produce Prince William.

小经幽长,牡丹谨记着蒋长扬的吩咐,始终离清华郡主十步远。Is small long via the You, the peony bears in mind Jiang Chang Yang's order, always leaving Chin Hua princess tens is distant.

作为威尔士守护神的旗帜,在彭布鲁克郡主教教区具有圣大卫的类似力量。It is the flag for the patron saint of Wales, and bears a similarity to the arms of the diocese of St David's in Pembrokeshire.

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丰熙帝已正式下旨将郡主婉吟定位和亲使者,远嫁北奴。Plentiful Xi emperor already formally next the intention sing princess Wan nailed situation and close emissary, far marry north Nu.

若是换做以前,有人敢跟汝阳郡主大呼小叫,那无疑就是找死!If before changing to do, somebody dared to aloud appeal to the public with Ru sun princess small phone, that undoubtedly be sought die!

别的人还罢了,如月郡主却是等不及人回话,“呼”一声就闯进房里的。Another person still just, such as month princess but is to can't wait for person's message of reply, "shout" 1 to intrude into building.