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经济林地和草地则起到了很好的水土保持措施作用。Economical woodlands have a positive effect on soil conservation in red soil.

山杏是河北省干旱山区主要经济林树种之一。Armeniaca sibirica is one of the cash forest species in arid areas in Hebei province.

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在加入WTO后,经济林产品面临着机遇与挑战并存。Non-timber forest produces are faced with opportunity and challenge after WTO was entered.

种植经济林果木是利用荒地资源,提高农民收入的有效途径。Planting fruit trees is considered as a good way to make use of this land and increase farmers income.

发展经济林生产具有显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。Remarkable economic, ecological and social effects are revealed in the development of economic forests.

同时对退耕还林的时序及经济林分布问题也作了一定的探讨。At the same time, the order of converting the land for forest and the distribution of economic forest are discussed.

同时提出了发展红木经济林用于提取胭脂树橙色素的做法。It is proposed to develop the economic forest of Bixa orellana, which can be also used as extracting the pigment Bixin.

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湖北林业这次雨雪冰冻灾害主要表现在竹木损失惨重,经济林、新造林损毁严重等方面。The Hubei forestry freezing rain and snow disaster caused the tree, economic forest and afforestation serious damage, etc.

园地包括苗圃、花圃、茶园、果园、桑园和其他种植经济林木的土地。Leaders including nurseries , greenhouses, tea plantations, orchards, mulberry orchard planting economic trees and other land.

其中我国经济林建设为国民经济的快速发展作了巨大贡献。Among them the rapid development that construction of our country economy forest is national economy made enormous contribution.

对森林和林地的破坏,以及非可持续性地砍伐经济林木,正在导致许多重要树种的丧失。Destruction of woodland and forest and unsustainable felling of valuable timbers are causing the loss of many important species.

最后通过分析各种模式的经济产出调查数据,研究了生态经济林的经济效益。Investigating data of all kinds of models were analyzed. Economical benefit of ecological non-timber product forest was studied.

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以前人们认为不宜种树的山上都种植了刺櫆等其他经济林。Those mountains previously regarded as useless in terms of forestry are all covered with Chinese Prickly ash and other cash trees.

研究经济树木物候变化与气候的关系,对经济林育种与栽培具有重要意义。To study the relationship between the phenological change and climate is significant for non-timber tree breeding and cultivation.

只有抓住机遇,认真实施无公害生产,开发安全森林食品,才能拓展产品的国际国内市场,使我国经济林产业开发再上新台阶。Chinese non-timber forest can reach a new step only by seizing chances, carrying no harm production and developing forest safe food.

针对各群丛动态规律,提出了具体的经营意见和技术措施,为野生榛子经济林的经营提供了依据。According to the dynamic analysis, the concrete proposal and technical step of management can provide the basis for each community type.

发展山地经济林产业的可行性表现在资源基础、技术保障、市场前景、政策环境、实践经验等方面都能获得支持。The feasibility of developing non-timber forestry on mountain obtains support on resources, technique, market, policy and related practices.

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通过对安徽28种主栽及名特经济树种害虫调查,查出现阶段经济林害虫1074种。An investigation on pests for 28 species of economic trees of production forests and special forests from 1988 to 1995 revealed 1074 pest species.

对粗放与集约两种栽培措施下人工经济林核桃木材纤维形态特征进行了系统分析。The fiber formal features of economic plantation walnut planted in Fenyang Walnut Seed Garden of Shanxi province of China were studied in this paper.

森林是维持可持续发展的保证,经济林是森林可持续发展的支撑点。Forests are the guarantee to maintain the sustainable development, economic forests are the backstopping point for the sustainable forest development.