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他是一个莽汉。He is a sluggard.

他是一个莽汉。He is a tough specimen.

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莽汉和幼小的孩子们都比他们强。But roughs and little children better than they.

唐璜是一个罪人,一个莽汉,一个浪子,一个魔鬼似的疯子。Don Juan is a criminal, a man of great desire, a libertine, a demon.

她艰难地睁开眼,看到两个莽汉已被残忍地杀死了。Blinking her eyes back to full consciousness, she finds that the two goons have been brutally slain.

莽汉主义自诞生以来便受到诸多评论家和文学界人士的批评和责难。Since its birth boorism has been criticized and censured by all kinds of reviewers and men of letters.

万夏,一九六二年生,现居北京。八十年代“莽汉”诗歌群落重要成员。出版的诗。Wan Xia, born in 1962, now lives in Beijing. He was a leading member of "Mache Men" poetry group and has published Intrinsic.

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在时代思潮的影响下,明清英雄传奇小说中的“莽汉”形象地位逐步提高。Under the influence of ideological trend of times, the position of" boors " in the legends of Ming and QingDynasties has been promoted.

在大量有光泽的晚礼服中,脱毛企鹅看起来就像穿着被虫蛀的浣熊皮外套的邋遢莽汉或者醉鬼。Amid the multitudes in sleek evening garb, the molting birds had the look of disheveled bounders or tipplers in moth-eaten raccoon coats.

如果你乐意,你会看到谁更强壮,是一个胃口欠佳的柔弱女子还是一个体内充满可卡因的高大莽汉。And if you are forward you shall see who is the stronger, a gentle little girl who doesn’t eat enough or a big wild man who has cocaine in his body.

从其诗作中,我们可以读到李亚伟莽汉式的温柔、传统的温柔,这与暴力有关,而又可以归属于古典。In his works, we can feel Li Ya-wei's traditional gentleness of a rude man. This is connected with violence, which can also be categorized into classicality.

为甚麽那些没有我们现在所享有的那一种优势的粗犷莽汉、渔夫和草民,却能够将一个个的城市给翻转过来,并且翻天覆地?How is it that these rude men, fishermen and louts who had no advantage of the kind that we have enjoyed, were able to turn cities upside down and shake the earth?