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一个萼片,一叶花瓣,和一根荆棘。A sepal, petal, and a thorn.

开放前的萼片盛开。The sepals open before the bloom.

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萼片倒卵形,顶端圆形或钝。Sepals obovate, apex rounded or obtuse.

叶柄和萼片持续具绵状毛。Petioles and sepals persistently lanate.

萼片并非具芒的在先端,宿存。Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent.

花序梗,轴,花梗,和除无毛萼片外。Peduncles, rachises , pedicels, and outside of sepals glabrous.

萼片5,瓣状,白色,粉红色红色,或绿色,通常宿存。Sepals 5, petaloid , white, pink-red, or green, usually persistent.

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在萼片和蒴果上的毛被在密度上大大变化。The indumentum on the sepals and capsule varies greatly in density.

萼片长圆形或线形,直立或开展,基于侧配对。Sepals oblong or linear, erect or spreading, base of lateral pair saccate.

萼片长圆形,直立,无毛或被短柔毛,基部侧对不。Sepals oblong, erect, glabrous or pubescent, base of lateral pair not saccate.

萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊同心排列构成完全花。Flowers are formed in concentric whorls of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels.

花朵呈直立平展,花径达5厘米,4个或5到6个萼片,白色。Flowers upright , spreading, up to 5cm across. Tepals 4, sometimes 5or6, white.

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根据萼片内的许多维管束结构,通常认为其由叶发育而成。Sepals contain several vascular bundles, and are thought to be derived from leaves.

其中最明显的是鲜艳的花瓣,花瓣下有一轮萼片。Most obvious of these are the brightly colored petals supported by a whorl of sepals.

或长圆形的萼片卵形,直立或开展,侧对有时近囊状的基部。Sepals ovate or oblong, erect or spreading, base of lateral pair sometimes substrate.

相关分析表明,番茄心室数与萼片数的相关性最大,其次为单果质量,而与果形指数的相关性最小。The sequence of correlation with locule number was sepal number, fruit weight and fruit shape index.

能够在成熟花粉以及叶片、根、萼片和柱头中检测到GUS的高水平表达。High level of GUS expression was detected in mature pollens as well as leaves, roots, sepals and stigmas.

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与对照相比,在形态学上,花瓣、萼片、柱头,花粉粒大小等变化较明显。Compare with control experiment. There are obvious differences on morphology from petal, calyx, stigma and pollen grain size and so on.

萼片和花瓣4或5,花后宿存,萼片离生,全缘到具流苏状腺体,花瓣全缘或具顶端具腺纤毛。Sepals and petals 4 or 5, persistent after anthesis, sepals free, entire to gland fringed, petals entire or with apical glandular cilium.

植物体的生殖器官,具有雄蕊、雌蕊或二者兼具,通常还包括萼片、或萼片和花瓣组成的花被片。The reproductive portion of the plant, consisting of stamens, pistils, or both, and usually including a perianth of sepals or both sepals and petals.