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五线谱是偶然来的,你也是偶然来的。The staff has come by chance, so do you.

不过我给你的信值得写在五线谱里呢。But my letter to you is worth to be written there.

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看,人家的赞美诗都是五线谱,民众的音乐素养高呀!Look, it's all in stave. The people are educated in music!

如果我是音乐家,就用五线谱给你写信。If I were a musician, I would write a letter on staff to you.

纵断面五线谱设计是隧道纵断面设计的主要部分。Stave design is a major part of the design of tunnel vertical section.

大地上有五色土,海滩边有五彩贝,乐章里有五线谱,人生中有五彩路。Earth, five shells beach, with a staff movement, a colorful way of life.

钢琴在自己的展开主题中,演奏出一段贯穿在两行五线谱中的重奏。Noted in two staves, the piano plays a reprise of its own opening theme.

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做梦也想不到我把信写到五线谱上吧?Has it occurred to you that I have written my letter on a five-line staff?

作曲家把歌曲的音符填在五线谱上,音乐家就能演奏乐曲。A song writer puts down the notes of a song on a , and a musician then plays the tune.

用XXX来表示,在五线谱的任意线上标注的黑色矩形。It is represented by the symbol XXX, a black oblong placed above any line on the staff.

用XXX来表示,在五线谱的任意线下标注的黑色矩形。It is represented by the symbol XXX , a black oblong placed below any line of the staff.

如果现在有人用五线谱写情书求婚,也许会马上结婚,这事也说不准啊!If we love someone to marry him to write music, may soon get married, it also says no ah!

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升号或降号在五线谱上增加时的顺序可以用五度循环来描述。The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be illustrated by a circle of fifths.

青岛的独特城市格局,犹如五线谱,演奏出青岛独特的迷人乐章。A unique and amazing symphony would be composed on the staff formed by Qingdao's particular city pattern.

加线为较短的水平线,用以表明音调在五线谱之上或之下。Ledger lines or leger lines are short horizontal lines used to indicate notes that lie above or below the stave.

纳粹分子还将口令与五线谱、国际象棋棋谱和一些看似常规书写的速记符号结合得天衣无缝。They hid codes in sheet music, descriptions of chess moves and shorthand symbols disguised as normal handwriting.

小节线是与五线谱或谱表垂直的竖线,与拍号相对应。A bar line is a vertical line through the staff or system to mark a metrical division, corresponding to the time signature.

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大谱表由左端用垂直线与花括号连接起来的两个五线谱组成。The grand staff is formed by the joining of two staves by a vertical line, brace or bracket at the left, to form one system.

在今天的调性音乐中,记谱通常使用五线谱,把音符标在五线谱上。The way of writing music down in tonal music today is normally by staff notation, using note symbols on the five-line staff or stave.

因为电线上的它们,像五线谱上小巧玲珑的音符,陪着“啾啾”的叫声,在鸣奏着春天的第一乐章。Because the wires on them, like small and exquisite on the staff of notes, with "chirp" sound, MingZou the first movement of the spring.