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味道好像饴糖,没什么特别的。Sort of caramel but nothing too exciting.

我喜欢吃甜食—糖果,饼干,饴糖苹果---所有的东西。I love to eat sweets--candy, cookies, caramel apples--- everything.

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浓郁饴糖及红果余味愉悦而悠长。Rich and elegant flavours of caramel and red fruit linger quite pleasingly.

测定了海带饴糖的理化指标和微生物指标。We also measured the physical and chemical index and microbiological index of maltose.

具有甘美的热带和异国水果风味。用橡木桶窖藏时产生奶油香草和饴糖的香气。Luscious tropica and exotic fruit flavours. Creamy vanilla and caramel notes when oak aged.

既没有糖,又没有奶酪,这种饮料苦得像胆汁,尽管放了所谓“长效糖剂”的高粱饴糖也还是苦。Without sugar or cream it was bitter as gall, for the sorghum used for "long sweetening" did little to improve the taste.

应用此酶制剂可生产出组成、风味及色泽俱佳的饴糖。Sweet potato β- amylases being used, high quality maltose syrups on the composition, the flavour and the colour could be produced.

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有时厨师会给鸭皮抹上饴糖使它变成琥珀色,在放入烤炉烘烤之前还需要把鸭子挂在空气中干燥。Sometimes the skin is rubbed with malt sugar to give it an amber colour and is then hung up to air dry before roasting in the oven.

在这次实验中,他们让人们在饴糖和花生黄油棒棒糖两种价格不一的糖中做出选择。This time they let people sample two kinds of candies — peanut butter bars and caramels — and varied the sticker prices for each one.

波美计一般用于制酸厂、染织厂、饴糖厂、盐场等部门对各种液体进行测定。Baume hydrometers are ordinarily used to determine liquids of various kinds in acid-making plant, dyeing and weaving mill, sugar house, salt field, etc.

通过使用稀释的废牛轧糖和饴糖,他们的研究成果揭示出一种环保的清洁能源生产方法,这种清洁能源据信会用于未来。Using diluted nougat and caramel waste, their findings reveal an environmentally-friendly method of producing what is believed to be the clean energy source of the future.

奶圆是以奶粉、奶油、饴糖等为原料。采用膨化技术生产、产品香酥可口,是乳制品的深加工产品。"Nai Yuan" which is a deep processed product of milk is produced adopting extrusion technology with dried milk, cream and maltose as raw materials It's crisp and delicious.

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本文介绍了用玉米淀粉替代大米为原料生产饴糖所存在的粘度下降、香味淡以及色泽浅等质量的具体问题,并提出了有效改进的工艺方法。This paper reviewed the problem about the viscosity lowness, flavor weak and color light of maltose syrup made from cornstarch, and brought forward a new method for improving its quality.