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甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.

“这是种族歧视,”我冷冷地说。"That's racist, " I said, halfheartedly.

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那种比如说种族歧视的行为。Behavior that would fall under say, racism.

不要允许宗教或者种族歧视来打消你的念头。Do not allow religion or race to deter you.

所以人类唔应该有种族歧视呢样嘢嘅。And racism shouldn't exist in the human race.

现在他已以“种族歧视”为由起诉警方。Now Ngobeni has accused the police of racism.

你怎样真正的降低来自种族歧视的压力?How do you really reduce the stress of racism?

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林肯在消除种族歧视上做了很多工作。Lincoln did much work on desegregation in USA.

这年头,可不兴种族歧视!This year, but outmoded racial discrimination!

在反对种族歧视的斗争中我会绝对尽心尽力。I am very committed in the fight against racism.

甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.Consider the Balkans.

我不喜欢暴力,不喜欢战争,当然也不喜欢种族歧视。I hate violence, I hate war, and I hate racialism.

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可汗说,“禁令不代表种族歧视,这是大众都能认识到的”。Khan says a ban is "not racist, it's common sense".

他公开表示反对种族歧视。He went on record as opposing racial discrimination.

对种族歧视者的惩罚是禁赛五场。The punishment for racial abuse is a five-match ban.

种族歧视的态度必须根除。Racist attitude had to be rubbished once and for all.

种族歧视的家伙,我一直以为你只喜欢白人。Racist. I thought you were only attracted to caucasians.

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克罗利是被诽谤为“种族歧视者”和“流氓警察”的人。Crowley is the one defamed as a “racist” and “rogue cop.”

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。We should add the bias of "lookism" to sexism and racism.

我们是唯一能让种族歧视边缘化的人。We're the only ones who can marginalise racist attackers.