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坠落的天使,在红尘里快乐凭栏。Fallen angels, in the world of mortals fence sad.

凭栏而立,即可沐浴大自然的温馨。Stand by the fence to enjoy the fragrance of the nature.

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雕梁画栋的格子楼里,凭栏眺望。A richly ornamented building grid building, Pinglan view.

凭栏伫立,观海听涛,思古抚今,别有一番情趣。On the stand, free thought, ancient stroke today, do not have a taste.

难聚儿时旧友,乡远凭栏心皱。Hard to gather the old ones, township far childhood fence wrinkle heart.

我常坐在窗子附近,凭栏凝望着这个人口稠密的居留地的景象。I would often sit near a window and watch the sights of this populous little settlement.

你们凭栏临风顺流疾驰,行色匆匆,我也凝神伫立急遽向前。Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current , I stood yet was hurried.

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你可以凭栏远眺,放飞心绪,繁杂的纷尘抛却九霄。You may lean on a railing overlooking, flying mood, complexity and confusion of dust discard Jiuxiao.

楼上一条走廊,一排木横栏,恰好是我向往的“凭栏处,潇潇雨歇”。Upstairs a corridor, a row of wooden horizontal column, I just want "Pinglan Department, drizzly rain hysteria."

流水鸣寒,凭栏听雨,在垂雨丝幕中游弋,几番泪雨怅然若惊鸿。Ming cold water, lean on a railing to the rain, the rain curtain hanging in cruising, Lei Yu repeated if fleeting sense of loss.

宋代词人最易从楼栏处获得艺术感受,最爱登楼凭栏并以之作意象来表达情感。Ci writers of Song dynasty tend to obtain artistic experiences from railings, and love to go up stairs and lean on railings to express their feelings.

宋词言愁是宋代一种社会风尚,登楼凭栏则是其具体表现形式之一。Expression of melancholy in Ci Poetry is a social fashion in Song dynasty. Ascending the building and relying on the parapet is the manifestation of it.

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我经常在星期六去学校操场玩。凭栏依旧,嘈杂不再。宁静安详,就像时间停止一般。I often came to play around the school grounds on a saturday. The familiar building, so unfamiliar in its quietness. Peaceful, as if time had frozen still.

山顶的古修建物有三星殿、迎旭客阁,凭栏远眺日出,放眼黄河,气候万千。On the top of the mountain, stands the Three Star Palace and Greet Sunrise Pavilion, where you can overlook spectacular view of sunrise and the Yellow River.

站在阳台上,人们既能凭栏远眺,也可以晾晒衣物、养花种草,绘生活增添一份悠闲自得的情趣。Tens of people can not only lean on a railing overlooking can also be drying clothes, gardening and grass, painted to add life to a relaxed contentment atmosphere.

夜晚,凭栏远望珠江上的白鹅潭,皓月当空,繁星闪闪,舟楫如梭,鹅潭美景,一览无余。Look into the distance and you will have a nice view of the White Swan Pond in the Pearl River and boats up and down the river with the bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky.

街北侧均为以后改建的仿古建筑,街南面筑起了一条长长的石栏,游客凭栏可远眺中天胜景,泰城夜色。Street, north side were rebuilt after the antique building, a long street south of the fence built, transit travelers lean on a railing overlooking the scenic, Thailand City night.

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站在长天楼上,凭栏远眺,碧波万倾,您是否也会有“秋水长天一色”的感叹呢?其实长天楼的名字正是这样得来的。Standing long days upstairs, railing overlooking, Bibo million dumping, and you will have "long Tianyi Chaplain color, " laments?In fact, long days floor is the name of this can be accomplished.

独倚凭栏,望断天涯路,茫茫人海,谁是陪伊共度余生的人,苍海桑田,今生必定为你守候!The lean on the fence, looked away, the way the vast human sea, who is with Iraq, spend the rest of your life, and this life is doomed agricultural-related concerns. and beryl field watching for you!