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杰克是一个机灵的外侨。Jack was an alert alien.

它的小脸可真机灵!What a cute little face!

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她有一双机灵的大眼睛。She has large, intelligent eyes.

朱迪思是个机灵的姑娘。Judith is a sprightly youg woman.

纳佐林机灵地看了她一眼。Nazorine glanced at her shrewdly.

这便是那些机灵人的理论。Such is the theory of the skilful.

我说,"让我看看,'昧',它的意思是聪明、机灵。Imbecile.'It means smart, intelligent.

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那只机灵的狐狸跃过了那条癞狗。The clever fox jumped up the lazy dog.

为什么我不这样做,变机灵点呢。Why don't I just do this and be clever.

解迷必须有机灵的头脑。One need an agile mind to solve puzzles.

你长得这么美,人又那么机灵。You're so beautiful. And you're so smart.

奥斯卡真的很机灵,他是我的小伙伴!Oscar is really cute, he's my little buddy!

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老太太要比萨拉机灵得多。The old lady is a sight cleverer than Sarah.

我当然向他们保证绝不会的,"他机灵地说。I'll warrant nothing will,” he said shrewdly.

诚恳的人即速结婚,机灵的人就不这样。Honest men marry soon. wise men not with ingl.

这里的很多女孩确实机灵,能喝酒,会调情卖俏。Lots of the girls are really wise, drinking flirts.

你们不想让你们那个机灵的小宝贝演主角了?Would you not rather have your precious little ingenue?

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是啊,我是个机灵的姑娘,说话带有时髦的腔调。Li Yea. I'm a smart girl that speaks with a smart accent.

牛嬷嬷立刻机灵地起身告辞。The cow mama immediately and cannily starts leave-taking.

还有,一个如地震仪般机灵,又无所不能的特务小马。Also, who is smart like seismograph, omnipotent spy Xiao Ma.