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对这些忙忙碌碌的失落者,我有最好的两句话相赠。I've saved the best two for the lost.

它不会整天喋喋不休的讲话、或忙忙碌碌地工作。It no longer chatters and bustles for work every day.

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每个人都在真真假假的俗事里忙忙碌碌。Everyone is busy in mundane events in the true or otherwise.

虽然在交易所忙忙碌碌,这并不妨碍我对工作的思考。But a busy market did not keep me from thinking about the work.

我们当中有些人总是保持自己忙忙碌碌的斗志。There are some of us who keep up our morale by being always busy.

尽管她整天忙忙碌碌,她的房间却保持得干干静静、整整齐齐。Her room is always kept clean and tidy though she is busy all day.

这只能概括为忙忙碌碌和臭烘烘。Instead the neighborhood would best be described as hectic and smelly.

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他看见他忙忙碌碌的妻子,走来走去张罗着替他做晚饭。He saw his busy wife, busying in her preparations for his evening meal.

相反的,他已经选择了与黑黑的铁栅栏或忙忙碌碌的田野为伴。He has chosen, on the contrary, the black iron fence or the potter's field.

正如有些人所说,每天我们都忙忙碌碌,很少有时间停下来感受大自然的气息。Every day we rush and rush and rarely stop to “smell the roses” as they say.

平常工作总是忙忙碌碌,今天周末休息了,自己做了煎饺!Normal work always busy, today, weekend breaks, and they are doing Jian Jiao!

那些人是艾伯特和我,隐蔽在时间的其他维度之中,忙忙碌碌,形形色色。All were Albert and myself, secretive, busy and multiform in other dimensions of time.

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生命的每一天里,我们忙忙碌碌,斤斤计较,患得患失。Every day, we are busy, haggling over every ounce and considerations of gain and loss.

每天忙忙碌碌地去讨别人欢心,而忘了去慰藉自己的心灵。He is not the one who bustles in catering for others instead of consoling his own soul.

我们总是忙忙碌碌地在路上走来走去,从一个地方跑到另一个地方。Often we get so busy that we’re on the road all the time, going to one thing or another.

它让你忙忙碌碌地寻找进入另外一个人的潜意识的入口。It makes you hum at the existential possibilities of entering one another's subconscious.

丽塔参加了毕业考,不久就找到工作,每天都忙忙碌碌。Rita took her examination and later took up a job, which kept her busy throughout the day.

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然后每个人都会忙忙碌碌的走来走去,哼着节日的小调,表现的比平时欢快得多。Soon everyone will be walking around, humming holiday tunes and acting jollier than usual.

如果可能,绝不钻营事业,他嘲笑那些整天忙忙碌碌的俗人。If possible, he never bends his mind to do cause. He derides common people who bustle all day.

在快节奏的世界里忙忙碌碌,许多人希望能拥有属于他们自己的空间。With the fast-paced world we are living in today, many people want to own their private space.