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这些玫瑰花仍有余香。These roses retain their scent.

那时采的花,似余香依然。Then gathered, smell still. Mussulmans and Giaours.

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徘徊不去的余香,温存心情也温存你的胃。The smell lingered, gentle mood of your stomach tenderness.

单宁平滑,口感清鲜,余香悠长。Tannin smooth, palate freshness, lingering fragrance is long.

失了玫瑰,手还有余香,冷了阳光,枕得明月。Lost roses, hand still lingering fragrance, cold sun, moon pillow too.

高效液体皂,泡沫清爽留余香。Effective liquid soap with fresh and cool foam leaves a pleasant smell.

品茗之后,不要忘了享受一下杯底的余香。Don't forget to savor the last smell in the bottom of the cup after tasting tea.

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我想赠人玫瑰,手有余香就是对于帮助他人最好的描述。I think "rose presented, smell remained" is the best description to help others.

虽然花已拿走,但其余香袅绕,让人心醉。Even when those flowers were taken away, the smell lingered about most pleasantly.

或许是因为大家都深信—予人玫瑰,手留余香。Maybe this attitude came from everyone believing in Fragrance Embalms Charitable Hands.

优良的母糟产酒醇厚、丰满、余香好。High quality maternal draff could produce full-bodied, tasteful and sweet-scented liquor.

日复一日的喝茶,才慢慢悟出悠然的味道,才品出满口余香。Day in and day out of tea, slowly realize a leisurely taste, only products with fragrance.

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品一盏团茶,那份苦,虽有余香缭绕,但却没有心怡的意境。For a group of tea, the bitter, although the fragrance of incense, but not the right mood.

入口极其柔和,结构复杂单宁适中,余香绕舌回味持久。On the palate, tasty, soft and complex tannins, a good concentration and long persistence in the mouth.

味美适口,肥而不腻,吃后余香久存不散。Taste palatability, fat but not too sweet to eat after the lingering fragrance that lingers on Jiu-Cun.

也许因为这个词组听起来够酷,毕竟,它透着眩酷之父巴勒斯老人家的余香。Perhaps it's just that the phrase sounds cool, thanks to those echoes of Burroughs , Daddy Cool himself.

散发淡淡的黑樱桃和白胡椒香气,结合了杂交草莓,红莓及累累果实的余香。Subtle black cherry and white pepper aromatics combine with traces of boysenberry, raspberry and spice laden fruit.

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明亮红宝石色泽,强烈地显示出红果子和黑果子的特色,香料和雪茄盒的余香。Of a bright red colour, it shows an intense red and black fruit character, with hints of spices and cigar box aromas.

我宁愿就闻一下她秀发的余香,吻一回她的嘴唇,握一次她的手,也不要没有她的永恒。I would rather have had one touch of her hand , one kiss of her mouth, one breath of her hair than entirity without it.

为了营造些过节的气氛,煮了桂花汤圆来吃,嘴角到现在还留着余香。In order to create festival atmosphere, we cooked some dumplings and added some cassia in the soup. So It's very delicious.