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倒换一台冷却泵。Replace one water pump.

冷却时间是5秒一样。Cooldown time is like 5 secs.

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铁冷却时收缩。Iron contracts as it gets cooler.

它有一个冷却时间4秒。It has a cooldown time of 4 secs.

没有冷却风扇,静默工作。No cooling fan, silent operation.

检查冷却中的非均匀性。Check for non-uniformity in cooling.

上层建筑用水冷却。Cool down superstructure with water.

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冷却池旁的黎明景色。The daybreak near the cooling pound.

我们看看珠江塔的冷却系统。Take the cooling system in the tower.

然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。Filter the broth and let it cool down.

水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。So desert should take heat with cereus.

快速冷却的金属会产生裂隙。Metal, which cools rapidly, may fracture.

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但以后水再变冷却膨胀起来。After that, as it gets colder, it expands.

降雨冷却了空气,这就向下产生了气流。Falling rain cools the air as it descends.

需要先冷却再加热。In this case here, I heat and then I cool.

液态冷却,单缸二冲程。Liquid cooled, single cylinder two stroke.

当空气冷却时,水珠凝结。When it cools down, water droplets freeze.

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主甲板以下房间用水冷却。Cool down rooms below main deck with water.

取出后放置在盘上稍势冷却。Remove and scrape onto a flat tray to cool.

一块湿布盖在整个冷却系统上。A wet cloth covers the whole cooling system.