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是啊,但是我还是很伤心,再见了,萨马兰奇。Yeah, but I still feel sad.Goodbye, Samaranch.

我要陪X公司来的马兰先生出去吃饭。I'll take Mr. Malan from Company X out to dinner.

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俄罗斯的马兰士其中一个外国参与者。Ma Lan from Russia is one of the foreign participants.

楼主的上述改变是否保持了马兰士原来的风格?。If the former flavour of marantz remain after your changes?

动物是非常罕见的,只有在马兰热省发现。The animal is very rare, found only in the province of Malanje.

前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇出席了中国代表团的升旗仪式。Member of delegacy of many 130 China attended flag-raising ceremony.

萨马兰奇先生是中国人民的老朋友、好朋友,生前为恢复中国在国际奥委会的合法席位,支持和扩大国际奥委会同中国的交流与合作,以及为促进中西两国和两国人民的友谊与合作做出了突出贡献。Mr. Samaranch is an old friend and good friend of the Chinese people.

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这善与恶的争斗,围绕了马兰山上这朵神奇宝花而展开。This battle of good vs. evil happens around the magical Malan flower.

马兰和威廉姆斯是“津巴布韦妇女崛起”组织的领袖。Mahlangu and Williams are leaders of WOZA, or Women of Zimbabwe Arise.

成吉思汗,塔马兰在狂热的开疆拓土中消灭了所有反抗他们的人。Khan, Tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them.

本书由国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇作序。Prefaced by the President of the International Olympic Committee Samaranch.

但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。Unfortunately the wolf demon had cheated little monkey of the pithy formula.

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马兰哥尼对流对金属的晶体生长过程具有重要影响。The Marangoni Convection is of significant effects on crystal growth of metals.

1995年,马兰拉面快餐连锁有限责任公司成立。In 1995, Malan Hand-pulled Noodle Fast-food Chain Co. , Ltd. came into existence.

马兰山重新恢复了安宁,马兰花漫山遍野地开放。Thereafter, peace returned to Malan Mountain and Malan flowers blossomed everywhere.

那遭意外发生时马兰德隔得很远,他甚至还不知道有这样一个惨祸发生。He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one.

萨马兰奇变的如此的强大,任何一个城市想举办奥运会都需要向他保证。Samaranch became so grand that any city wanting the Olympics had to pledge the earth.

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而且,固定铵态氮的分布在马兰黄土中也能体现出三次小的低-高值的波动特征。In addition, there are three low high value fluctuations of fixed N in the Malan loess.

病例已在威热、罗安达、卡宾达、马兰热和北宽扎省查明。Cases have been identified in Uige, Luanda, Cabinda, Malange, and Kuanza Norte provinces.

马兰迪先生问道,“阿塞拜疆人喊叫着要更新更好的东西,这是他们应得的。”Mr. Marandi asked. “Azeris are shouting for new and better, and they know they deserve it.”