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自不待言,这是一个单纯的年代。It was a simpler age, to say the least.

男人,这篇文章真正的名字自不待言。Men, the name of this article truly speaks for itself.

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报盘的连续不断非常重要,自不待言。We need not tell you that continuity of offers is very important.

自不待言,我确定自己不愿意去改变我独有的生活方式。Needless to say, I'm not sure that I want to change my life-style.

自不待言,我们自己可以支配的时间极其有限。It goes without saying that the time at our disposal is unusually limited.

盐为日常生活所必需之物,其重要性自不待言。Salt is necessary for human being's daily life, and its importance goes without saying.

世博会在这三方面的表现自不待言。So far as these three aspects are concerned, the role of the World Expo is self-evident.

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自不待言,这将会加快中国的社会演变,“该报说。It speaks for itself that that will accelerate the social evolution, " the Belgian said."

激励对管理特别是人力资源管理的重要性自不待言。Encouraging management, particularly the importance of human resources management to mention.

之愉自不待言。但我知道,更深浓的,是那一份情谊。It goes without saying that the discovery. But I know, more concentrated, is that a friendship.

感谢和欣喜自不待言,因为朋友送来的不仅仅是一副对联,更是一份诚挚美好的祝福。It goes without saying thanks and joy, because a friend sent more than a couplet , but also a sincere good wishes.

冬季,住户多挂棉门帘,用炭盆或煤球炉取暖,烟熏火燎自不待言。In the winter, residents hung cotton curtains to keep out the cold and lit stoves with wood, coke or coal for heat.

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对作为更为通俗的谶语形式的一般谶谣,其受众的广大自然更自不待言。Right as the more popular form of general prophecy prophecies rumor, the broad nature of its audience to say the least.

创造经济增长,得益者多多,自不待言,如何公平分配是个问题。It goes without saying that creating economic growth will benefit a lot of people, but equitable distribution is a problem.

作为农业和人口的大国来说,加强植物新品种的保护自不待言。As an agricultural country with the largest population, strengthening the protection of new varieties of plants goes without saying.

大学教师,作为大学基本活动的承担主体,其重要性更是自不待言。It is obvious that the faculty of University, as the main body who undertakes the basic activities of university, has its significance.

然而,无论政治为战争负多大责任,科学家们是放那些武器出笼的人,却自不待言。However responsible politics was for the warfare, though, it goes without saying that scientists would be the ones who made such weapons exist.

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自不待言,绘画是中国当代艺术实践中最成熟、最受关注的领域,但也最缺乏应有深度的研究。Apparently, Painting is the most developed area of Chinese contemporary art and enjoys the most attention. However, painting also lacks deep researches.

酗酒和抑郁之间的联系自不待言,但我们还没有完全搞清两者之间的因果关系,不过人人都知道,如果象济公那样壶不离身、酒不离口,不多久人就会成了不中用的酒囊。Not surprisingly, there's an observable correlation between alcoholism and depression, and even though it's not always clear which leads to which, everyone knows you can't drink like a

破产管理人在破产程序开始后,全面接管债务人财产并负责对其管理、处分,其权力之大自不待言。The bankruptcy trustee wil take over debtor's assets completely and is responsible for managing and disposing the assets. As a result, the bankruptcy will have super power during the whole process.