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只能默默不语。Can only be silent.

我们都默默不语地坐在那儿。We all sat there in dumb silence.

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他们皆充满了恐惧,但依然默默不语。They were full of horror, but silent.

我读书的时候,我妻子默默不语。My wife was silent while I was writing.

接着,他们默默不语地走了好久。They walked on for a long time in silence.

动物们挤在克拉弗周围默默不语。The animals huddled about Clover, not speaking.

他默默不语地坐在那里观察他们好几分钟。He sat silently observing them for a few minutes.

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饭桌上,由于尴尬,他们彼此默默不语。At the dining table, there was a silence of awkwardness.

妻子温柔静静注视着那双手,默默不语。Quietly watching his wife, kept trained on soft hands, silent.

他默默不语地听着,终于答应和医生谈谈看。He listened in silence, and finally promised to confer with the physician.

微机程序员听了这些话后,默默不语,但这两个程序员至死都是很好的朋友。The microcomputer programmer, upon hearing this, fell silent. But the two programmers remained friends until the.

但他一句话也没有回答那默默不语地站在他身旁的贝格,摸了一下马,便走到胡同里去了。And without bestowing a word on Berg, who stood mute beside him, he put spurs to his horse and rode down the lane.

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微机程序员听了这些话后,默默不语,但这两个程序员至死都是很好的朋友。The microcomputer programmer, upon hearing this, fell silent. But the twoprogrammers remained friends until the end of their days.

微机程序员听了这些话后,默默不语,但这两个程序员成为生死好友。The microcomputer programmer, upon hearing this, fell silent. But the two programmers remained friends until the end of their days.

他们默默不语,只是俯在他的面前,触碰他的衣边,示意他们已经痊愈。And they said no word at all, but only cast themselves down before him, and touched the hem of his garment in token of their healing.

公主默默不语,当夜成婚,一晃六年过赴,公主为大业生了两个男孩,公主按原先约定的时间不辞然而别,大业日夜想念公主,誓不再娶。As she had warned, the princess left without saying good-bye at the end of the six years. Daye missed the princess to much that he swore not to marry again.

它虽然没有春天的鸟语花香,也没有夏天的热情奔放,更没有秋天的丰收果实,但它的默默不语却给人们带来了阵阵欢笑。It while there is no spring flowers, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, no summer nor autumn harvest the fruits, but its silence and bring people of laughter.

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但白天,她的衣服,她那朴素的蓝棉布衣裤,把他所熟悉的东西都罩住了。而她,就象一个默默不语的忠实的丫环,仅仅就是一个丫环。But in the day her clothes, her plain blue cotton coat and trousers, covered all that he knew, and she was like a faithful, speechless serving maid, who is only a serving maid and nothing more.