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每个人也都有十八般武艺!Everyone also has eighteen skills!

每个人也都有十八般武艺!哦耶!Everyone also has eighteen skills! Oh yeah!

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他是有史以来第一个学会了师傅千般武艺的徒弟。The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kungfu.

井淘三遍吃好水,人从三师武艺高。Well for three times eat good water, from the three high skills.

这次的赵子龙似乎简单的多,一身好武艺,一片忠心。Zhao is much simpler, excellent fighting skills and a loyal heart.

恒景废寝忘食苦练,终于练出了一身非凡的武艺。Fuller clock drilling, and finally out of a training extraordinary boy.

去年,我在宣武艺园里看到一只纯白色的小猫,给它取名叫贝贝。Last year, I found a white kitten in the Xuanwu Park and named it Beibei.

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武侠故事描述勇敢仁慈、有著高超武艺的英雄人物。Wuxia stories depict brave, kind heroes with extraordinary fighting skills.

身怀十八般武艺,能上天入地,拥有高科技的武器。Bosom 18 Ban military skill, can Heaven enter land, possess high-tech weapon.

对了,你能给我介绍一下什么是十八般武艺吗?By the way, could you introduce me something about the 18 kinds of wushu weapons?

但咱们再说一次,由于在全般天国里,这是最简练的武艺之一。But we'll say it again, because it's one of the neatest tricks in all the heavens.

他的身份是狄仁杰的卫队长,武艺过人,性情忠烈,能力超群。His identity is Di Renjie's captain of the guard, Wu Yi people, a martyr, ability.

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传说中有位传奇大侠,他武艺高强,有一身传奇功夫。Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose Kungfu skills were the staff the legend.

对,上次我们谈到过“十八般兵器”和“十八般武艺”。I see. Last time, we've talked about "Eighteen Weapons" and "Eighteen Martial Arts"

在他成为绿林大盗之前,有一次,他决定参加一场比赛,以证明他的武艺。Once, before he became an outlaw, he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill.

艾黎奥描述他的拉恩是一个勤学的男孩,苦读诗书又勤练武艺。Elio describes Ran as a studious son, both in book learning and in the ways of warfare.

我觉得那天的小武艺真是小可怜,像是一下子没有了湖南台给他的黑幕支持,所以很没自信了。At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it.

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在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。In feudal society, the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons.

传说,炎帝神农成王之前,在天台山练出了一身好武艺。Legends, Wang Yan Emperor Shen Nong as before, in the Tiantai Mountain has a good training skills.

畲族民间武艺是我国畲族民间传统体育中最主要的内容。Folk martial art is seen as one of the most important content of She nationality traditional sports.