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我能见到太阳公公吗?Can I reach the sun?

太阳公公还朝我们笑呢!The sun is smiling at us!

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他叫马白夫公公。His name was Father Mabeuf.

马白夫公公抬起了头。Father Mabeuf raised his head.

上个周末,去公公婆婆家。We went back home last weekend.

风先生和太阳公公都很强壮。Mr wind and Mr Sun are both very strong.

葡萄和公公进行了一场对话。A discussion between Grape and Lee begins.

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约翰是珍妮的公公和德克立的岳父。John is Jenny's and Derick's father-in-law.

女孩很想得到公公婆婆的喜爱。She wanted to be loved by her parents-in-law.

陈公公拍板婚宴就望德楼办了!Chen father-in-law clappers wedding at Lou de do!

她的公公“行刑”完,家里来了一个年轻男人。After her father-in-law’s “execution,” a young man arrives.

破坏或粉碎公公财富的行动。The defacement or destruction of public or private property.

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太阳公公在天上看着跳跳,心里很难过。The sun, who was looking down on little Skippy, felt very sad.

但是艾琳的公公却一直挑剔她。But Irene's father-in-law was constantly finding fault with her.

爷爷跟她解释那是因为太阳公公在说再见。The grandfather explained to her that it was the sun that did it.

和某些人一样,马白夫公公也认为植物是有灵魂的。Father Mabeuf was one of those persons for whom plants have souls.

可是马白夫公公没有全部丧失他那种富于孩子气的宁静。Still, Father Mabeuf had not entirely lost his childlike serenity.

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马白夫公公,要我来替您浇园子吗?Father Mabeuf, would you like to have me water your garden for you?

太阳公公爬到了蓝蓝的天空中,已经是中午了!Father the sun climbed in the bluest of blue sky, it is already noon!

“有劳贵公公。”东方夫人冲着那太监点点头。"Have the Lao the grandfather. "The east madam hurtles namely to nod.