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我们把旗帜覆盖在灵柩上。We draped the flag round the coffin.

我用玫瑰盖满他的灵柩。I covered his coffin with the largest.

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她的灵柩现安放于苏格兰博物馆。Her tomb lies in the Museum of Scotland.

灵柩由齐步行进的六名士兵抬着。The coffin was carried by six soldiers walking in lockstep.

他弯腰抓住灵柩上的一只手柄。He stooped and took hold of one of the handles of the coffin.

一个男人,一个大我三十岁的男人,躺在教堂祭坛旁的灵柩里。A man, thirty years older than I, lies in coffin near the church altar.

灵柩从粗笨的大箱子里搬出,摆在白雪皑皑的月台上。The coffin was got out of its rough box and down on the snowy platform.

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他拒绝参加士兵的葬礼,对从伊运回的士兵的灵柩不公之于众。He refused to attend soldiers’ funerals and hid their returning coffins from the public.

悼念者聚集现在比克费亚,杰马耶勒的灵柩已经被送回他在比克费亚的傢中。Mourners also gathered in Bikfaya, where Gemayel's coffin was brought to his family's home.

灵柩被安置在木轮的平板车上,由上了轭的水牛拉着。It sat on top of a small flatbed with wooden wheels, drawn by the yoked oxen from the field.

然后,过了几十年,人们又把他从墓冢中挖出,打开他的灵柩以确认他真的就在那里。Then, decades later, he was exhumed, and his coffin was cut open to make sure he was really there.

难道这些人真的不理解,灵柩上的棕榈叶毫无意义?Was it possible that these men did not understand, that the palm on the coffin meant nothing to them?

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律师坐在灵柩边的一把摇椅里,仰着头,闭着眼。The lawyer was sitting in a rocking chair beside the coffin, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

全家在刀山火海中扶柩而前,欲将灵柩运往杰斐逊市安葬。The family carries the body through flood and fire in an effort to get her body to Jefferson to be buried.

第二天,她的尸体成殓在家中的灵柩里,家离监狱有四…The following day, her body was resting in a casket in her home, three-quarters of a mile from the prison.

抬棺人抬着灵柩,顺着狭窄的木板走,殡仪员拿着灵柩架在前面跑。The bearers carried the coffin along the narrow boards, while the undertaker ran ahead with the coffin-rests.

哭丧开始,一群人跪在死者的灵柩前,此起彼伏地哭起来。The keening had begun. A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another.

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有很多地穴被作为维修的小室。而清洁用的工具被放在灵柩的上面。There are stories of crypts being used as maintenance closets, with cleaning supplies stored on top of coffins.

克纳普克夫妇的葬礼弥撒也是合办的,曾孙女们抬着露丝的灵柩,孙子们抬着哈罗德的灵柩。The Knapkes had a joint funeral Mass, with granddaughters carrying Ruth's casket and grandsons carrying Harold's casket.

伯德的棺材被抬入参议院,放置于当年亚伯拉罕•林肯国葬时使用的同一张灵柩抬上。Mr Byrd's coffin was brought to the Senate and laid on the same catafalque that was used at Abraham Lincoln's state funeral.