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举行家庭辩论赛。Hold debates.

在朝阳公园举行。It's in Chaoyang Park.

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那么婚礼订在哪天举行?So when's the wedding?

第2场比赛将于北京时间7日继续在洛杉矶举行。Game 2 is Monday in LA.

比赛因雨暂停举行。The game was rained out.

举行弃船演习。Conduct-abandon ship drill.

是谁提出举行这次会晤的?Who called for the meeting?

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哦,沙滩排球在朝阳公园举行。Yes, it's in Chaoyang Park.

中国举行了两会。China held the two sessions.

我们举行一次宴会,行不行?。Lets have a party, shall we?

运动会每三年举行一次。The games occur triennially.

2005年的年会在普罗维登斯举行。In 2005 it was held in Provo.

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他们举行了一次庆祝大会。They held a celebration rally.

为贫民举行了义卖。A bazaar was held for the poor.

每天举行一个小会。A daily scrum meeting was held.

入园前举行家访。A home visit, before admission.

乐施会毅行者每年何时举行?Oxfam Trailwalker year be held?

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学生举行罢课。The students are out on strike.

本周协商会持续举行。Those talks continue this week.

一场审讯为双方而举行。A trial was held for both sider.