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满堂客家大围。"Mantang Hakka Manor House".

珍以一曲肚皮舞搏得满堂喝采。Jane brought down the house with a belly dance.

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歌手的表演获得满堂采。The singer's performance brought down the house.

满堂金玉,没有人能长久保守。A house full of jade and gold is hard to protect.

出海鲛珠犹带水,满堂罗袖欲生寒。Sea shark beads of water, and ROM sleeve to cold.

教师仍是满堂灌学生。Teachers still lecture toor spoon-feed the students.

在传统上,新娘花束时儿女满堂的象征。The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.

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祝全家幸福、和气满堂、合家欢乐!S. United States. I wish the family well-being, harmony house, fun!

满堂宾客纷纷从桌旁站起,举杯祝贺这对幸福的人儿身体健康。All the guests rose from the table to drink the health of the happy pair.

我们每次家庭聚会时,我爸总是会讲笑话,使家里笑声满堂。Whenever we have a family gathering, my father always tells jokes that bring down the house.

幸运的是,它也听起来很不错,充实日出“新崛起的乐趣,满堂的声音。Fortunately, it also sounds very good, augmenting Sunrise' newly-minted fun, full house sound.

现浇箱梁采用满堂支架架设,堆载预压整体现浇。Full use of stents in-situ box girder erection, heap pressure on the overall pre-cast-in-place.

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当这些将军们被气得七窍生烟的时候,满堂的观众却起立向影片致敬,并致以经久不息的掌声。While generals huffed and puffed, the packed auditorium audience gave "Testimonies" a standing ovation.

退休后大可悠闲自在,可他们望眼欲穿的满堂孙儿如今何在?Retirement brings plenty of leisure but where are the grandchildren whose company they looked forward to?

瑞鸟栖集,繁花争艳。祥瑞之气,喜庆之意,透画而出。满堂上下,吉利平安。Auspicious birds are assembling around flowers. The propitious and festive air is fulfilling the whole house.

现浇箱梁采用满堂支架架设,堆载预压整体现浇。Cast-in-place box Liang uses the full house support to erect, piles carries the precompression overall cast-in-place.

驻华大使洪博培和总领事康碧翠以及美国驻中国使团的满堂男做事员,我们感动们。To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U. S. Mission in China, we thank you.

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有人一出生就衔着银勺子,有的则是仆从环身绕,宫殿富满堂,有一个王国供他统治。Some people are born with sliver spoons in their mouths, others also get an army of servants, palaces, and, oh, a kingdom to rule.

课堂上大多是教师提问学生回答,课堂由原来的满堂灌变成了满堂问。In the classroom, mostly, the teacher questioned and pupils replied. The whole classroom is filled with asking, instead of pouring.

我国高校英语专业教学深受传统的教师满堂灌和应试教育做法之不利影响。The current EFL pedagogical system used in China suffers seriously from the traditional teacher fronted and test oriented practice.