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今年您收到红包了吗?Have you received any bonus?

红包里面装着钱。The envelopes contain money.

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年拜完了,有没有红包啊?。In bynum finished, have red envelopes?

除了他,每一个人都收红包。Everyone accepted the bribe except him.

新年可以拿到好多红包哦!I hope everybody have a sucessful new year! ! !

“红包雨”来袭,你被“湿身”了吗?Are you "soaked" in the falling of "red packets"?

我都太高兴了,都数不清我得多少红包。I was too happy to count how many red packets I got.

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他们祝贺我新年快乐,还给我发了中国传统的红包。They wished me a Happy New Year, every one of those.

伯母笑着迎接我们,并给我们红包。Aunt smiled and greeted us and gave us red envelopes.

而馨羽的奶奶的红包就有2000元。One envelope from Xinyu's grandmother contains 2,000 yuan.

红包是婚礼中不可或缺的「串场」礼物。Red envelopes are an indispensable gift from wedding guests.

偶尔会有收回的红包的比送出还少这种情况。But in rare cases the couple gets less than they gave before.

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你能想像在炎炎夏日跟家人围炉拿红包吗?。Can you imagine having New Yearsred envelopes on a hot summer day?

岁末最开心的事莫过于数年终奖、收红包。One of the happiest things at the end of a year is to count bonus.

2015年春节红包与往常相比变得不太一样了。The spring festival in 2015. The red packages are not traditional.

有一个惊人的相似,马拉雅拉姆新年时,大人会给小孩红包。Elders give money to kids and youngsters on this Malayalam New year.

哦,现在我明白了,老师们当然不可能不带红包去吃饭。Oh, now I see, teachers surely cannot go to dinner without cash gifts.

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他们通常都会接到装着钱的红包作为新年礼物。They will receive red envelopes that contain money as new year presents.

在逢年过节时你总能收到红包。You received little red envelopes containing money on special occasions.

蚊子叮咬不仅留下瘙痒的红包,还会传播疾病。Not only do these insects leave itchy bites, they can also spread disease.