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为SADC建立一个电力共同市场Creating a common market for electricity in SADC

为了实现全球化这一理念,世界上建立了自由贸易区和共同市场。Free trade and common markets were created to facilitate the idea.

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这些都是构成共同市场和现代商业共和国的要素。These are theingredients for a common market and a modern commercial republic.

据说英国参加共同市场是为了一碗红豆汤而损害国家的利益。Brussels, which is the headquarters of the common market, is an attractive city.

这样一来,欧洲共同市场,乃至欧盟本身的生命力,都将处在威胁之下。The survival of the European single market and of the EU itself would then be under threat.

假冒成法国酒,而事实上此酒来自共同市场以外的地方。He tried to pass off the wine as french, when in fact it come from outside the common market.

经济,实现全球共同市场,在自由为基础的交换商品和资本。Economic—realization of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.

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在进口方面,阿根廷受限于南美共同市场关税联盟而不能增加关税。On the import side, Argentinacannot raise tariffs on its own because it belongs to the Mercosur customs union.

一位欧洲共同市场的高级官员如是说,他们的合作是为了“隐藏德国的强大和法国的弱小”。As one senior Eurocrat puts it, the partnership serves “to hide the strength of Germany and the weakness of France.

另外,两个国家间的共同市场给两国的共同发展提供了机会。On the other hand, a common market between these two countries offers scope for mutual developmen­t for the future.

我相信新的协议将帮助我们促进经济增长,并能发掘东南部非洲共同市场成员国的经济潜力。I am confident that the new Agreement will help us bolster growthand unlock economic potential among the COMESA member states.

虽然“两岸共同市场”无法成型,两岸贸易合作机制问题已经箭在弦上了。Though " two sides common market " unable to shape, cooperative mechanism's issue, trade of two sides, already can't but go ahead.

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据说英国参加共同市场是为了一碗红豆汤而损害国家的利益。It was said that by joining the Common Market Britain would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.

如果马格里布共同市场组织能超越历史上的断裂带,它将成为联系中东和非洲的欧洲-地中海一体化的一个组成部分。If the Maghreb can move beyond historical fault lines, it can be part of a Euro-Med integration linked to both the Mideast and Africa.

市总部——比利时首都布鲁塞尔。顶上插著欧洲共同市场的「国旗」。This molecular-shaped structure is located in Brussels, the headquarters of the European community. The community's flag is flying on top.

最后,从实践的角度提出了建立泛珠三角工业共同市场的八条政策建议。Finally, in terms of practice, this paper proposes eight policy recommendations about the establishment of the PPRD industrial common market.

而到今年,东盟与中国将形成统一的自由贸易区,这是世界上最大的共同市场,人口达18亿。And as of this year, ASEAN and China are united in a free-trade zone that is the world's largest combined market, with over 1.8 billion people.

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当英国首相爱德华·希思于一九七三年推动英国加入共同市场时,人们只是认为他们加入了一个自由贸易协定。When British Prime Minister Edward Heath took Britain into the Common Market in 1973, the country thought it was entering a free-trade agreement.

与此同时,欧元区则必须采取改革打破现有的国家隔阂来组建一个真正的全欧洲范围内的共同市场以刺激经济增长。The euro zone, meanwhile, must undertake reform to break down remaining national barriers to form a true, Europe-wide common market to spur growth.

这就是英国政府支持欧盟委员会努力工作,在欧洲共同市场中刺激增长,促进近就业的原因。That is why the commission is working so hard, with the strong support of the UK government, to stimulate growth and jobs through the single market.