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她逐渐养成一些无害的癖性。She developed a few harmless eccentricities.

暴虐和专横跋扈的癖性。A proclivity for violence and authoritarianism.

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两岸老太太有一个癖性,以发牢骚。The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble.

我认为这是儿童和少年的共同癖性。I believe this is a common habit of children and adolescents.

希望你通过了解这些千奇百怪的意淫和怪癖性嗜好满足了你的小小窥视欲。Hopefully you enjoyed your peek into the weird and wacky world of fascinating, freakish sex.

就一般情况说来,只有那种可恶的鲨鱼,才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性。The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comparative analogy to the dog.

就一般情况说来,只有那种可恶的鲨鱼,才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性。The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comprarative analogy to the dog.

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在实践中,我们的癖性是被我们自身纵容的东西,就好像一颗球顺应自然规律从高处滚下。And in practice our proclivities are things we allow ourselves, like a ball rolling down its natural course.

要是一个人对钱发生了极大的兴趣,他就应当多少了解一些它的本性、特点和癖性。If one becomes actively interested in money, he should know something of its nature and character and tendencies.

自由的表现形式并不总是令人愉快,但是他们必须始终处于保护之下,对于敌人的癖性我们并不关心。Free expressions are not always pleasant, but they must ever be protected, with no regard to the proclivities of the enemy.

抛开他的个人癖性不谈,克林顿似乎是通过大量民意测验考察舆论来治理国家的。Personal proclivities aside, President Clinton seemed to run the country by gauging popular opinion through the heavy use of polling.

有则好消息,那就是一项来自几所大学的最新研究显示有多种途径来消除你的孩子追求物质享受的癖性。The good news is that the latest research from several universities shows there are ways to deprogram your child's materialistic streak.

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他性格古怪,毫不矫饰自己的癖性,似乎全身心投入在自己被诅咒的自杀世界,以致无暇顾及优雅礼貌的谈话或是仅仅与人结识。He was unabashed in his mannerisms a man who seemed to live so fully inside this hexed world of suicide that he had little time for polish or polite chitchat or getting-to-know-you.

这种病态的需要活动不特使他的业务天天积累起来,不特使他接受他所不能实现的工作,而且也是他堕入偏执的癖性中去。This morbid activities do not need special envoy His business was built up every day, he does not accept his special envoy achieved by the work, but also into his bigotry Pixing go.