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我怎样用这栓剂?How do I use this suppository?

我怎样用这些栓剂呢?How do I use this suppositories?

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你觉得栓剂怎么样?。How do you feel about a suppository?

洗肠,灌肠,插入直肠栓剂。Bowel washouts, enemas, inserting rectal suppositories.

栓剂是目前为止最有效用哦。Suppositories are known to be the most effective choice.

你又在捣鼓那些营养栓剂啊?。Are you experimenting with nutritional suppositories again?

结论律草栓剂有明显的止泻作用。Conclusion Lucao suppository has obvious anti-diarrhea effect.

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目的研究律草栓剂的止泻作用。Objective To study the anti-diarrhea effect of Lucao suppository.

杀菌药可制成能够释放药物的凝胶、乳膏或者栓剂。Microbicides are a gel, cream or suppository that releases a drug.

轻症者可用栓剂、无刺激性的缓泻药及洗浴等法治疗。Mild hemorrhoids may require only ointments, laxatives, and baths.

医师先生,您有没发现您耳朵放了一支栓剂呢?。Say, doctor, are you aware that you have a suppository behind your ear?

结论质量标准可以有效控制栓剂的质量。Conclusion The standard of quality can control the quality of suppository.

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结论所用方法可有效的控制雌三醇栓剂中的有关物质。CONCLUSION The method can be used for quality control of estriol suppository.

故t-PA是一种效果较好、治疗剂量时较为安全的溶栓剂。Therefore, t-PA is considered as a more effective and safer thrombolytic agent.

虽然我是百分百的欧洲人,能脱口唱出对栓剂的赞歌,但我对灌肠就是有恐惧感。I fear the enema, though I am European enough to sing the praises of suppositories.

方法研究该栓剂的制备方法,建立质量标准和稳定性。METHODS To study the preparation and establish the quality standard of the pessary.

目前世界卫生组织的指导方针包括了在转诊前使用栓剂治疗疟疾。Current WHO guidelines include pre-referral use of suppositories for malaria treatment.

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的TZGZR栓剂真空乳化评价城市一级的技术奖。The TZGZR suppositories vacuum emulsifier is evaluated the city level technological award.

对妇炎清栓剂的制备和质量控制进行了研究。This article presented a preparation process and quality control of Fuyanqing suppository.

结论“妇康宁”栓剂具有明显的抗炎、抑菌作用。Conclusion " Fukangning" suppository possesses obvious anti-inflammation and anti-bacterium.