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我不可喜欢听金西嬷嬷算命。I don’t like Mammy Jincy’s fortunes.

最后,特里萨嬷嬷变得非常出名。Later, Mother Teresa became very famous.

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姜嬷嬷一脸阴笑的点头应是。Mama 1 face Yin smiles of nod should be.

你无法想象失去了特蕾莎嬷嬷的加尔各答。You cannot imagine Kolkata without Mother Teresa.

“是为了钱男人家才娶她们的,”嬷嬷断然说。"Men mahys dem fer dey money, " said Mammy firmly.

劳驾了,嬷嬷,让我坐在这里,等爸爸回家来我再进屋去。Please, Mammy, and I’ll sit here till Pa comes home.

特蕾莎嬷嬷知道,她所作的一切都是有意义的。Mother Teresa knew that what she was doing made sense.

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牛嬷嬷立刻机灵地起身告辞。The cow mama immediately and cannily starts leave-taking.

不要对凯瑟琳嬷嬷和你的父母泄漏一个字。As for Sister Kathleen and your parents? Not a single word to them.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole,” said Mammy suspiciously.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole, ” said Mammy suspiciously.

特丽萨嬷嬷决定帮助的正是这些穷人和病人。It was these poor and sick people that Mother Teresa decided to help.

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所以,你看到了吧!变形金刚里漂亮的女孩和特里萨嬷嬷联系只需要简单六步。There you have it! Transformer cutie to Mother Theresa in six easy steps.

思嘉比谁都更不在乎他的嬷嬷和吼叫。Scarlett was impressed less than anyone else by his tempers and his roarings.

1997年,上面提到的教皇为特里萨嬷嬷行了宣福礼。In 1997, the aforementioned holy man beatified none other than Mother Theresa.

副院长是个眼睛几乎瞎了的西班牙籍老修女,西内莱斯嬷嬷。The sub-prioress was an old Spanish nun, Mother Cineres, who was almost blind.

“嬷嬷,”这位修女虔诚地问,“在您死以前给我们些智慧之言吧”。"Mother, " the nuns asked with earnest, "Give us some wisdom before you die! "

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论起来,说话的分量绝不比岳嬷嬷轻多少。Talk almost, the weight talking is in no circumstance lighter than Yue mama how much.

他们用德肋撒嬷嬷的孤寂再一次论证信徒们是在蒙蔽自己。They used Teresa's desolation as another proof that believers are deluding themselves.

嬷嬷从堂屋里走出来,她是个大块头老婆子,但眼睛细小而精明,活像一头大象。Mammy emerged from the hall, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant.