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竞赛者们由于天气炎热而力不从心。The competitors were prostrated by the heat.

力不从心时,我回想过去的完成。If I overindulge I be to imagine of past hungers.

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我深感力不从心。I feel keenly that my ability falls short of my wishes.

他花了极大的力气想那个沈重的家俱,但力不从心。He makes manful effort to the heavy furniture , but fail.

他花了极大的力气想那个沈重的家俱,但力不从心。He made manful effort to the heavy furniture , but failed.

如公诉部门案子多、负担重、压力大,监督力不从心。Some departments have big burden, others are more leisurely.

他花了极大的力气想搬移那个沉重的家俱,但力不从心。He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture, but failed.

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桑晓立刻想坐起身来,可他已经弱得力不从心了。Sangxiao immediately tried to sit up, but was too weak to make it.

由于疾病缠身,卧床不起,她深深感到力不从心。Too ill to get out of bed, she had strong feelings of uselessness.

毫无成效,里根也是力不从心,协议也不顶用,还是以失败告终。It didn't work, even with Reagan, even with a deal, it just didn't.

黄裳想要躲闪,已是力不从心。Huang Chang wants to dodge being looked, meager the competence to act.

何提供的骡子力不从心和安全带来了她的畜栏。José rendered the mule powerless and brought her safely to the corral.

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为了掩饰我的力不从心,下班后,我必须要去助于教授和老员工们。To cover up , I had to ask professors and seniors for help after work.

尽管阿纳金原力很强,却总感力不从心。Despite being powerful in the Force, Anakin always found this difficult.

以前我每天能看三四十个病人,现在力不从心了。In the past thirty or forty every day I can see a patient, now powerless.

在火车上时间足够长,我已经熟悉了她的声音和运行,我能感觉到她爬坡时的倾尽全力,拐弯时变速的力不从心。I’ve spent enough time on the train to be familiar with her noises and movements.

尽管政府热衷于教育检讨,但是他们已经力不从心。The government used to be keen on overhauling education but it has run out of puff.

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他经商失败以后,他一家人想摆阔便感力不从心了。After he failed in business, his family had great difficulty keeping up an appearance.

和贝尔一样,我们只能坐下来看着恐怖事件不断上演,虽满怀希望能对结局施加影响,却力不从心。Like Bell, we can only sit back and watch the horror, not wishfully influence its outcome.

没有财务经验的冈田要负责国家财政,显然会力不从心。No financial experience to be responsible for national financial Okada, obviously powerless.