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读史令人明智,读诗令人灵秀。Histories make man wise, poems witty.

我只希望你灵秀的心思不要嫌它太粗鄙But that I hope some good conceit of thine

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香山集天地之精气,蕴山水之灵秀。Xiangshan Heaven and Earth-refined gas, Yun's inspiring area of natural landscape.

对于广袤的黄土高原,水就是灵秀的化身。The expansive Loess Plateau shows its nimble nymphalness wherever there is a stream.

对于广袤的黄土高原,水就是灵秀的化身。Water seems the incarnation of the delicately beautiful to the expansive Loess Plateau.

山因水而灵秀,万佛山有大小瀑布数十条。Hill because of the water while the Aura, Foshan million the number of falls in size 10.

读诗使人灵秀,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻。Reading poetry makes scenery, calculus makes precise, philosophical and profound people.

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在边路,彼特是众多灵秀球员中的一员,他能让许多人为之惊奇。Peter is one of the most skilful players in the side and he has surprised a lot of people.

灵秀与身边的丈夫交换一个眼神,两人心照不宣地露出甜蜜的笑容。Inspiring area of natural and close to her husband in exchange for a look, both tacit and his sweet smile.

公司依多年制药经验,携雪岱山之灵秀,将名贵草本带入长春。For many years experience in pharmaceutical company, with snow, the XueDai Mountain rare herbs to ChangChun.

恐惧小说女作家画笛来到世外桃源地狱谷写作,可看似灵秀的地狱谷,却并非地狱。Horror fiction writer draw flute came xanadu paradise valley writing, but seemingly witty paradise valley, but not the heaven.

欧洲汇集了一些在迷人和高度灵秀的未来和新兴技术领域世界领先的研究人员。Europe hosts some of the world's leading researchers in the fascinating and highly inspiring area of future and emerging technologies.

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读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密。Read the history makes person wise, reading the poem makes person delicately beautiful, mathematics makes person careful and attentive.

1998年,弗吉尼亚的精神病学家托马斯·洛瑞指出了它的重要性,并很快被赞扬为研究林肯的学者之灵秀。Its significance was pointed out in 1998 by Thomas Lowry, a Virginia psychiatrist, who was immediately lauded as a leading Lincoln scholar.

公司以国际化的设计元素,融入东方唯美灵秀之风,将古典与时尚有机结合成就了这一品牌。International companies to the design elements, into the East Aestheticism Lingxiu style, fashion and classical achievements of organic integration of this brand.

在接下来几周的灵秀中,我要做的是,指出上帝已经在某处给予我们的那些准则,但你也许没想到该处也适用于婚姻。What I want to do over the next couple of weeks of devotionals is point us to principles God has given us in a place you might not think was intended for marriage.

永同道场位于一个灵秀苍翠的山谷里,有郁郁葱葱的群山环绕,有百鸟欢快地歌唱。The Youngdong Center is situated in a lush valley in a spiritually uplifting environment surrounded by green mountains, where many happily chirping birds make their home.

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灵秀往里挪了挪身子,拍拍身前的床板,热情的声音能够轻而易举地消除一切陌生和疏离感。Nue Lenue inspiring area of natural body inside, just sit back and front of the bed board, enthusiastic voice could easily on the Elimination of All strange and alienation.

楚国的造物品类繁多、主题鲜明、格调清奇灵秀、色彩斑斓繁艳,开创了上古南方审美文化的新视界。The waits in Chu Dynasty ate diverse in types, distinct in theme, elegant in style, colorful in color, which creates a new horizon for the southern aesthetic culture in ancient dines.

霜花,小小的霜花,不像雪花那样灵秀,不似冰块那般晶莹,但你决不自惭形秽,为装点大地尽心尽能。Frost flower, little frost flower, you're neither graceful as snow flake nor crystalline as ice, but you don't have the sense of inferiority and do your utmost to decorate the earth instead.