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正义使国家兴盛。Righteousness exalteth a nation.

他出生于和平的兴盛时期。He was born in the palmy days of peace.

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但是有些人怀疑高盛是否能够改革并再次兴盛。But some doubt that it can adapt and thrive.

汉大赋的兴盛局面难以为继,开始走向衰败。After Ban Gu, Great Han Ode began to decline.

这片兴盛之下有几个原因。There are several reasons for this exuberance.

大英帝国在19世纪很兴盛。The british empire flourished in the19th century.

杜甫生活得年代,唐朝已经由兴盛走向衰败。During his life time the Tang Dynasty was in decay.

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夏威夷以其繁荣兴盛的观光业闻名。Hawaii is famous for its thriving tourist industry.

不过,我肯定三五年之后它会兴盛起来。But I am sure it will be crazy in three or five years.

我们当年兴盛时期的陈迹一点也没能留下来。There is nothing left to us of our days of prosperity!

我们的国家因思想开通、信息畅达而兴盛。We are a country that thrives on ideas and information.

龙年代表着财运和兴盛。The year of Dragon represents good fortune and prosperity.

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近年来,竹文化节渐兴盛起来。Bamboo Culture Festival has become popular in recent years.

有了大自然,我们就兴盛,没有大自然,我们就受苦。We thrive in the presence of nature and suffer in its absence.

现在乐高在英国也像在其他地方一样兴盛起来。And Lego has been thriving inBritain, as it has everywhere else.

随着词创作的兴盛,“知人论世”出现在词学批评中。It appeared in the Ci criticism with the flourishing of Ci poetry.

铜镜的铸造业因此十分兴盛。The foundry industry of bronze mirror was therefore very thriving.

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明州港的兴盛繁荣主要源于区位因素和市场因素。Its prosperity was mainly related to its regional and market factors.

旅游的兴盛为神话、传说等故事的讲述提供了新的空间。The boom of tourism gives new ground for myths, stories and folklores.

当恐龙在六千五百万年前消失后,哺乳类便兴盛起来。When dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago, mammals thrived.