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待驴老了,干不动活时,他们就把它卖给屠户杀了。When the donkey became old, they sold it off to a butcher for profit.

屠户也佩带了布料围裙,但他们是主要蓝色的。The butchers also wore cloth apron but they were mostly blue in color.

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屠户很急很怕,恐怕前后一起受到狼的攻击。Butchers very distress, I am afraid to be a wolf before and after the attack.

人们都有好问的习惯,即使是屠户和饼师也所不能免。People have the habit of inquiring—if they are no more than butchers and bakers.

长着尖脸的小个子马掌匠最爱和屠户过不去。The farrier, a small man with a sharp face, always enjoyed disagreeing with the butcher.

从前,有一个卖肉的屠户在回家的路上,遇到了两只饿坏的狼。Once upon a time, there was a butcher who sold pork. He met two starved wolves on his way home.

当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.

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有个屠户天晚回家,担子里的肉已经卖完了,只有剩下来的一些骨头。There is a butchers Tianwan home, in the burden of the meat has been sold out, only some of the bones.

屠户于是奔过去倚靠在柴草堆下,放下担子拿起屠刀。So Ben butchers in the past rely on the straw heap below, pick up the butcher's knife lay down their burden.

我不该同屠户为一个钱吵闹半天,屠户不该肺里灌了这样多水。I shouldn't have haggled with the fellow so long, and he shouldn't have pumped so much water into these lights.

屠户于是奔过去倚靠在柴草堆下面,放下担子拿起屠刀。So Ben butcher in the past to rely on firewood pile below, pick up the butcher's knife to lay down their burden.

同样的那次疫情促使了新的防止鲜生物和肉类之间的交叉感染的法律,颁布了新的屠户执照颁发条款。That outbreak led to new rules to prevent cross-contamination of raw and other meat and the licensing of butchers.

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同样的那次疫情促使了新的防止鲜生物和肉类之间的交叉感染的法律,颁布了新的屠户执照颁发条款。That outbreak led to new rules to prevent cross- contamination of raw and other meat and the licensing of butchers.

一些购买量很大的餐馆要雇佣一位屠户来按厨师要求切肉。A few restaurants that buy in large quantities will employ a butcher to cut meat according to requirements set by the chef.

第二天,杰克又去一家屠户那里干活,屠夫给了他一块上好的羊肩肉做报酬。So on the following day, Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded him by the handsome present of a shoulder of mutton.

一只贪心的狗跑进屠户的店里偷了一块多汁的大骨头,它快速跑掉了,屠户没能抓住它。A greedy dog went into a butcher's shop and stole a big juicy bone. He ran away so fast that the butcher could not catch him.

当她进到屠户的铺子里的时候,只有屠户一个人在里面。屠户为见到这个看来有病的老妇人还出来为生活奔波而烦恼。The butcher was alone in his shop when she came in and was annoyed by the thought of such a sick-looking old woman out on such a day.

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你如果去观察,那些不喜欢狗,但是喜欢猫的人,还有杀狗的屠户取代了杀马的And you're looking at somebody who basically does not like dogs at all but who loves cats, and canine butchers replaced horse butchers.

屠户又拿起一块骨头扔过去,后得到骨头的那只狼停下了,可是先得到骨头的那只狼又跟上来。Butcher and pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past, the bones after the wolf came to a halt, but the bones have been the first wolf Yougen up.

她的背上还背着一个米袋,里面装着一块腌肉,屠户给她的肝、狗食、汤骨。There was the pack on her back, the grain bag containing the piece of salt pork, the liver the butcher had given her, the dog-meat, the soup bones.