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它能否改变?And can it change?

我们能否避免做噩梦?Can we avoid them?

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你能否证实?Could you confirm?

我们能否和好如初?Can we make it good?

他们能否等上一星期?Can they wait a week?

增员,你能否承受?Can You Afford to Hire?

能否根除雅司病?Can yaws be eradicated?

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你能否礼品包装吗?Could you gift-wrap it?

咱们能否赶得及期限?Can we make the deadline?

您能否发现错误?Can you spot the mistake?

中国能否降压这种趋势?Can China buck this trend?

我能否提早插班读这门课程?Can I skip to this course?

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死后我能否幸存"Could I survive my death?"

能否成为你们的发行商?Can I become a distributer?

我们能否重新在一起?Can we make love re-appear?

妇女能否射精呢?Can women ejaculate or not?

死后能否继续活着"Is there life after death?"

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他们能否击败卡扎菲?And can they defeat Gaddafi?

能否到我家坐客?Can Declan come to visit me?

你能否带我到天高地远的地方?Can you take me high enough?