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乔装打扮成猴王。Dress up as Monkey King.

他是乔装打扮跟过来的。He even came here in disguise.

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他定是个乔装打扮的王子喽。He must be a prince in disguise.

他乔装打扮了一下就混进了舞厅。He went into the ballroom in disguise.

我可以乔装打扮一下。I can make up and disguise myself here.

那贼乔装打扮成警察。The thief disguised himself as a policeman.

如果你必须这样做,先乔装打扮,而且不要相信任何人。If you must, wear a disguise and trust no one.

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开那车没人认识我,我乔装打扮了一番。Nobody knows me in that motorbike. I'm in disguise.

万圣节前夜,小孩子通常都乔装打扮,玩得很开心。Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween.

他们乔装打扮极力去吓唬人们。They disguise foppery to make every effort to scare people.

他们已经组织游戏,并且职员们也乔装打扮成小丑。They have organized③ games and the staff dress up as④ clowns.

于是梦要乔装打扮,以梦者看不懂的形式出现。So the dream to disguise herself to the dreamer not understand form.

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他乔装打扮成迷人的巫婆来到交谊会上,真的把我们都愚弄了。He really slipped one over on us when he came to the party dressed as a witch.

一些没生小孩的成年人会举办一个大的派对,当然也要乔装打扮了。Usually the adults who don't have kids have a big party and get dressed up too.

为何一些基督徒教导说耶稣再来会是安静的并且乔装打扮的?Why do some Christians teach that Jesus' next visit will be silent and disguised?

至此,乔装打扮的辽人驼背终于现身。So far, the distant person that disguise dresses up is bow-backed show a body eventually.

幸福也像上帝同我们开得一个玩笑,乔装打扮而来让我们无法辨认。Happiness is like god with us to open a joke, disguise herself and to let we couldn't make out.

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前罗马尼亚王后玛丽曾乔装打扮成一个男孩,几乎骗过警卫。Ex-queen Mary of Romania once disguised herself as a boy and almost succeeded in deceiving the guards.

桥本要打掉苇和会议,将于啸江杀掉,让松下将士兵乔装打扮混进去。Hashimoto to degrade reed and meeting, due to the noise jiang, panasonic will let soldiers in disguise.

福尔摩斯趁她离开后乔装打扮并尾随于后,以便一探虚实,得知爱瑞妮背后的雇主的身份。After her departure, Holmes disguises himself and follows, in order to discover the identity of her employer.