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请不要出价过高。Please do NOT overbid.

您的出价是500个反向链接。Your bid is on 500 backlinks.

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过去,他常去拍卖场出价竞买。He used to bid at the auction.

此出价是1压铸模型。This bid is for 1 diecast model.

那幅画我出价十元。I bid ten dollars for that picture.

有人向我出价1200英磅买这辆车。I﹐ve had an offer of §1200 for the car.

他们将照片出售给出价最高者。They sold photos to the highest bidder.

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过高的出价将不会被考虑。Extortionate bids will not be considered.

严重的出价只。没有时间浪费吧。Serious bids only. No time wasters please.

但他的出价是太少还是太多呢?But was he offering too little or too much?

若干公司表示对我们的出价有兴趣。Several companies have nibbled at our offer.

那人出价500元来买这匹红马。The man offered 500 yuan for this red horse.

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诺基亚公司给塞班的出价是每股3.647欧元。Nokia has offered €3.647 a share for Symbian.

诺伟司出价多少收购IQF集团?How much did Novus spend to acquire IQF Group?

提供最佳的出价和写上“勾勾”在你们的答复。Provide best bid and write "gogo" in you reply.

出价最高者将得到20美元的钞票。The highest bidder will get the 20-dollar bill.

他们出价五十多万元购买那幅油画。They have offered over ¥500000 for the painting.

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这物品由出价最高者购买去。The article is knocked down to the highest bider.

安提戈涅拒绝与出价伊斯美妮回去睡觉。Antigone refuses and bids Ismene to go back to bed.

一栋房子有20到30个人出价,这是很常见的。It’s not uncommon to see 20-30 offers on one house.