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请出示你的阅览证。Please show me your reader's card.

不可以,你只能在这里阅览。No. You may not. You can only read here.

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你得阅览更多知识,你得学习更多知识。You have to read more. You have to learn more.

是的,我没有电子阅览器,我也不怎么渴望弄来一台。I don't own an e-reader and haven't longed for one.

如果想获得更多有关它的信息,请阅览帮助文件。For more information on this, look over the help files.

这些书可以被阅览,但不能作为个人收藏。The books would be owned but probably non-collection items.

又过了12年,我才终于坐下来阅览了本书。It would be another 12 years before Ifinally sat down to read it.

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毫无疑问中国的科学家们正饶有兴致地阅览着诺格尔博士的论文。No doubt its scientists are reading Dr Noggle's paper with interest.

你可以阅览想看的文件,但不可以进入档案室。You can view any document you wish. But you cannot enter the archive.

该楼上的设计能够容纳多达30人,阅览报纸。The upstairs can be designed to seat up to 30 people for viewing dailies.

不仅只有金融类的新闻,人们才愿意付费阅览。Financial news is not the only kind for which people appear prepared to pay.

用户喜欢它对多帐户的支持和一栏式的消息阅览模式。Users love having multiple account support and a single column view of tweets.

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年以后出版的外文书,请到四楼阅览。For foreign language books published after 1994 , please go to the fourth floor.

哈佛是第一个对学者使用开架阅览成为默认条件的大学。Harvard is the first to make open access the default option for its researchers.

无论节假日还是正常工作日,都借读或阅览图书及杂志。Regardless of holidays or normal working day, Jie Du, or books and magazines read.

电子科技大学图书馆阅览部对读者服务的一大特色是可以外错图书。The catalog and functions of college librarys reading room are introduced briefly.

但是我也意识到了电子书和电子阅览器巨大的潜在市场。And yet, I also recognize the astonishing potential of digital texts and e-readers.

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从空间布局、软硬件设施、服务方面对“开放式阅览区”进行了细致思考。Then the details of space layout, hardware and software, and services are discussed.

学生在阅览区要将书包放在外面并出示身份证。Students must show their I. D. cards and leave their bags out of the reading section.

你是否认为亚历山大伟大到无所不能并且能够跟谷歌邮件服务以及火狐阅览器相提并论呢?Do you think Alexander the Great had anything that could compare to Gmail and Firefox?