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我却默诵这句话,随即上前敲门。I remember this sentence, immediately came to the door.

乔伊紧紧地搂住自己的孩子,心中默诵地祈祷感谢。Joy held her baby tight, muttering a silent prayer of thanks.

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班上每个学生都必须默诵林肯葛底斯堡演说词。Everyone in the class has to learn Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart.

这些访客中,有些人还穿着僧人的长袍,他们一边默诵着祈福的佛经,一边踏进这间狭窄的砖房。Some wore monks' robes and offered blessings as they entered the tiny brick house.

他喜爱的是耶和华的律法,他昼夜默诵的也是耶和华的律法。But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

面对诱惑时,我默诵这句话,然后远离罪恶。When I face temptation I will say them and immediately act to remove myself from evil.

第一组成员的任务是默诵经文,然后是童谣,在这个过程中,相同的脑部区域被激活——背诵区域和重复区域。Identical brain areas, typically associated with rehearsal and repetition, were activated.

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外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否会遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵这句话,面对第一个来临的顾客。When I face a closed door I will say them and knock while the failure waits outside with fear and trepidation.

当她准备就绪,光采耀人,浑身珠饰和羽毛,他默诵著祈祷,护送她展翅高飞。When she was ready, resplendent in her glitter and feathers, Dan said his prayers and let her sail out of the wings.

外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵着句话,面对第一个来临的顾客。When I enter the market place I will say them and immediately confront my first prospect while the failure ponders yet his possibility of rebuff.

外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否会遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵这句话,面对第一个来临的顾客。Selling out, the losers will also consider whether the time was refused, I have to remember this sentence, in the face of an approaching its customers.