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这最糟糕的八分钟是似乎是空前绝后的”。This fiasco was worse than any of them, and seemed interminable.

团长蹦蹦跳先生,是世界上绝无仅有、空前绝后的跳蚤大师。Head Mr. Beng Bengtiao, is unique in the world, unprecedented flea master.

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这视频蠢得空前绝后。这就是你在政府中获得提升的方式。The dumbest video ever that was. That is how you get promoted in government.

今日中国流露出了许多空前绝后的狂热的踪迹。China today exhibits many of the tell-tale signs of a great speculative mania.

朱利安在拍卖结束后向记者表示,“这次拍卖真是空前绝后,而且非常成功。There will never be another auction of this sort. This sale was a great success.

恺撒大帝被称为罗马历史上空前绝后的军事领袖。Julius Caesar has been called the most unmatched military general in Roman history.

公共廉政中心的查理斯·刘易斯称这个丑闻是“空前绝后的。Charles Lewis, of the Center for Public Integrity, described the scandal as “historic.

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比如一些项目已经在这方面取得进展并产生了空前绝后的影响。Consider some of the projects already in progress that are having a significant impact.

经多年的研究在骰子的问题上,有了空前绝后的突破。After years of research on the dice issues, with unprecedented and unrepeatable breakthrough.

此时,人群沸腾了,队友把他扛在肩上,赛场上的喝彩声空前绝后。The fans broke loose.His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders.Such cheering you never heard.

死后被埋葬三次的皇后,空前绝后,她就是清代道光皇帝的孝穆成皇后。During the Qing Dynasty, the emperor Daoguang's ress Xiaomu was buried three times after her death.

一场历史上空前绝后的文化时刻。被照片精到地捕捉到了。来自布鲁塞尔的感谢。A once in the history of civilization moment, superbly captured by these pics. Thanks from Brussels.

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此时,人群沸腾了,队友把他扛在肩上,赛场上的喝彩声空前绝后。The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you never heard.

我认为,制造企业近来正面临一个非常有趣甚至可以说是空前绝后的局面。I think, manufacturing companies these days are facing a very interesting and even maybe a unique situation.

一个空前绝后的你,不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你如出一辙的人。In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you.

围攻列宁格勒的第一枪于1941年9月8日打响,其战事规模之宏大毋庸置疑,死伤之惨烈空前绝后。There is no doubting its epic scale. Launched on September 8th 1941, the siege was the deadliest in history.

江恩先生诸如此类的表现和上述事迹在华尔街的历史上大概是空前绝后的。Such performances as these coupled with the foregoing are probably unparalleled in the history of the Street.

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它是关于内战的小说中空前绝后的一部优秀作品,让其他作品望尘莫及。It was the most excellent works after the civil war as well as it had the obvious advantage of any other works.

而银行体系的崩溃所带来的就是一场自大萧条以来空前绝后的美国经济衰落。A collapse of the banking system would imply a US recession on a scale unprecedented since the Great Depression.

一年后,对于奥巴马总统的憎恨成了一场流行病,我想称之为空前绝后并不为过。A year later, we've seen an epidemic of hatred against the president that I think is safe to call unprecedented.