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志愿人员在受训。The volunteers are in training.


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他实际上是志愿去的越南。He actually volunteered to go Vietnam.

积极培育志愿服务队伍。It will actively foster volunteer teams.

如果他们都是志愿的,那他们就会更喜欢你。If they volunteer, they'll like you more.

“中国青年志愿服务日”是哪一天?Which date is the Chinese YV Service Day?

我志愿给医院的花园除草。I volunteered to weed the hospital garden.

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你曾干过什么样的志愿工作?What kind of volunteer work have you done?

那个人是镇里的志愿消防队员。That man is a volunteer fireman in this town.

没为志愿团服务或工作的要。No need for the service corps or voluntary work.

朗阁的志愿是建立一个雅思帝国。Longre's ambition is to build an empire of IELTS.

这个网上有工作、志愿机会、实习They have jobs, volunteer opportunities, internships

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志愿人员正在帮助冲突地区的人民进行重建。Volunteers are helping people recover from conflict.

考虑下做志愿工作来扩大你的交际圈。Consider doing volunteer work to expand your network.

是志愿紧急救援者。It was the volunteer emergency crew on the other end.

你也可以志愿去医院或社区中心服务。Volunteer to serve at a hospital or community centre.

咨询—由志愿律师孙怡提供。Consultation —provided by our volunteer lawyer, Yi Sun.

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感谢武汉大学口译队提供志愿服务。I thank Wuhan University Interpretation Team volunteers.

仔肩驱使军人必需志愿出席这项任务。Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.

志愿去做孩子们的运动队教练,或是教练助理。Volunteer to coach or assistant coach a kids sports team.