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还有一天三顿热腾腾的饭菜。Three hot meals a day on time.

从洗碗机里新鲜出炉的热腾腾的蛋糕。Hot and fresh out of the dishwasher.

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我需要在热腾腾的澡盆里好好地泡一泡。What I need is to soak in a hot tub.

热腾腾、香喷喷,真是别有一番滋味。Hot, fragrant, really not a good feeling.

然后主人给他们斟上了热腾腾的绿茶。They were then served with hot green tea.

然后她给我们斟上热腾腾的茶。Then she filled our cups with steaming tea.

热腾腾的面条吃着,心里满是暖意。Steaming hot noodles, my heart is full of warmth.

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朋友们将会为他升起温暖的篝火,准备好热腾腾的食物。His friends would have a fire and hot food ready for him.

一锅热腾腾的砂煲牛肉汤终于可以端上了。A pot of lip smacking clay pot beef soup is ready to be served.

看看,这里的泉眼还一直冒着热腾腾的气泡呢。See, So many bubble rise from the mouth of spring , It's very hot.

自此,王秀才每天便可吃到热腾腾、香喷喷的米线了。From then on, the scholar could have a delicious and hot meal everyday.

很多人每天早晨要喝一杯热腾腾的咖啡才能开始一天的生活。Many of us depend on a hot "cuppa joe" in the morning to kick-start our day.

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老年人聚集在交谊厅,为了友谊,也为了一顿热腾腾的午饭。Old people are gathering in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch.

你有尝试过热腾腾的苹果酱淋在汉堡里的炭烤凤梨片上?Have you had a grilled pineapple topped with grilled apple sauce on your burger?

在越南的河内,津津有味地品尝一碗热腾腾的牛肉河粉。Slurp up a bowl of steaming hot Pho, a tangy beef noodle soup, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

另一个队伍从大烤炉中端出热腾腾的披萨,上面缀满五颜六色的顶料。From a large oven, another team pulled a bubbling pizza loaded with colorful toppings.

性感的服务生端出热腾腾的餐点,让我每天都想去那家餐厅!A hot waiter serving a hot dish, just makes me want to go to that restaurant every day!

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伙食还是不错的,有大米粥,炖猪肉,西葫芦,还有热腾腾的馒头。It looks good. There is rice gruel, braised diced pork, courgettes and hot steamed buns.

想来点更心跳加速的经验,人们会跳出热腾腾的温泉,再跳进冰冷的水里。For a more heart-pounding experience, people jump out of hot springs and into cold water.

她摆好桌子,两人就围着火炉吃起热腾腾的饭来。She set the table and the two of them sat by the stove to enjoy a good hot meal together.