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在正位片上心影增大。On the frontal film the heart is large.

眉头一皱,计上心来。Knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind.

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你对自己工作很上心,这…You're getting overly worked up about this, Ryden.

你可能有个不上心的母亲或者一个满腹惊恐的母亲。You may have had a detached mother or a scared one.

我明白,他现在对我的工作比对他自己的更上心。I saw that he cared more about my work than his own.

揣摩上心是官场的基本原则。Surmising the heart is the basic principle of officialdom.

正在这灰心绝望的时刻,他忽然灵机一动,计上心来。At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him!

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抬头望向天空,队员们不禁计上心来。Looking up into the sky, the players can not help stratagem to mind.

她眼珠一转,计上心来,“谁要你们家钱了?Once her eye pupil turn and list heart, "who want money in your house?"

变得上心起来,一改你的作风,激活自己一定要做到最好的愿望。Shift your paradigm, and arouse in yourself a desire to always do your best.

有始有终表明你是一个言而有信的人,是一个对事情很上心的人。Follow through shows that you are a person of your word and someone who cares.

我陷入深思,突然间计上心来。I plunged into deep thinking, and then suddenly, a good idea suggested itself.

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给宝宝起一个什么样的名字,是无数父母们最上心的事情。What to name a baby is one of the first things that expecting parents obsess about.

被拘留者和他们的家庭的几代人的笑容,因为他们站在顶上心山。Several generations of internees and their families smile as they stand atop Heart Mountain.

我盯着黑漆漆的水往下瞧,也看不见,就在时候我计上心来。I stared down into the dark water and could see nothing. It was right then that I got the idea.

当我们陷入到了那些理想之中的时候,往往会在我们的行为动机上心生阻碍。When you get caught up in ideals, you create resistance that gets in the way of your motivation.

他渡过去的真气,虽然无法帮她接上心脉断裂的地方。He passes via of true morale, although can not mount the area that the heart vein splits for her.

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和对手头上正在做的事上心而有激情的搭档或者团队一起工作,作用是惊人的。It’s incredible to work with a partner or group of people who care about what they’re doing, who are fired up.

但是我对整体意识的反馈十分上心,比如我的生命之流是否涌动得好。But I pay close attention to feedback from universal consciousness, such as whether my life is flowing well or not.

可定做不同尺寸、形状的18K金牌项链坠,并打印上心爱人的照片。We make to order of 18K gold yellow or white with different size and shape, then use metal printer to print on the picture.