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人们蜂拥着前去一睹国王的雄姿。To move or go as a throng.

人们蜂拥着前去一睹国王的雄姿。The people throng to see the king.

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她酥软的大腿上那雄姿勃勃的毛羽?The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?

我们可以去那里领略一下古城墙的雄姿。We can go there and take a glimpse of the old city walls.

我们可以去那里领略一下古城墙的雄姿。We may have a glimpse of the imposing ancient city wall from down there.

走廊上尽显你的文雅,操场上展示你的雄姿。On the corridor reveals your elegance, in the playground demonstrates your grand appearance.

现修复古战场昔日雄姿的景观有百余处。There are hundreds of landscapes which are the mimicked ancient battles of the ancient time.

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据推测,这些陶俑都是秦代工匠按照秦兵雄姿如实塑造的。It is presumed that these warriors were made according to the real valiant Qin army soldiers.

目前“黄氏广告”正以老牌劲旅的雄姿,满怀热枕与激情迎接新的、严酷的市场竞争。At present, Huangshi Advertsement is heartedly and ardently competing in the new and grim market.

钢铁巨龙大京九起飞南边和北边,展览神州的雄姿。Nine Tengs in the steel Ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of Dhina.

肖邦将马厝舞曲带入音乐会,并将早期波兰宫廷生活的雄姿与盛况再度展现在人们面前。Chopin will lay horses, and dance to the concert in early life over Poland palace with splendor in again.

他一看到藏獒威猛霸气的雄姿,就被迷住了,请求父亲给他买一条。He saw possession of a mighty domineering attitude, it was fascinated, he requested his father to buy one.

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这些表现结构的皴线、点与轮廓线融合后,山的雄姿秀态就尽眼底了。Cun performance of these lines, points and contour integration, Hill Xiongzi show on the state to the eyes.

她们庄重高雅、亲和自信,她们活泼睿智、务实进取……昔日三尺讲台披风采,今日田径场上展雄姿。They are elegant, confident, smart and hardworking. They are as energetic in the track field as they are in the classroom.

近距离观看一架架大型客机带着尖厉的轰鸣声起飞和降落时的雄姿,是一种在别的机场得不到的体验。A close watch of the passenger airplanes' taking off and landing with roars is sure to be a unique and unforgettable experience.

该模型描绘了1805年,“胜利号”前往特拉法尔海战、在海军名将纳尔逊勋爵指挥下一举击败由拿破仑率领的法国、西班牙联合舰队时的勃勃雄姿。The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in 1805.

雄性的招潮蟹会挥舞着它那只大钳子来炫耀自己,蜂鸟则是通过和配偶一起俯冲飞翔来展现他的雄姿。Male fiddler crabs wave an outsized claw to show off, and male hummingbirds display their flying prowess with a flamboyant mating dive.

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是强者,就要一展雄姿,虽不能翻起大浪,也要掀起生命的浪花,万事从现在开始!Is strong, it is necessary to show a majestic appearance, though can not endanger big waves, but also set off waves of life, everything from now on!

接着阅兵式正式开始,随着一首首雄壮而熟悉的背景音乐,官兵们给我们展示了他们的雄姿。Then the parade started, with one song after another majestic and familiar background music, the officers and men showed us their majestic appearance.

同时它也是营造岩壑意境的佳石,能展现出峭峻拔雄、悬崖陡壁和粗犷雄姿的磅礴之势。At the same time it is also a good stone rock gully of artistic conception, can show a hilly cupping, steep cliffs and rugged and majestic boundless potential.