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我融入了认知心理学,社会心理学等等内容。I draw on cognitive psychology, social psychology and so on.

“光环效应”是社会心理学里的一个经典的发现。The 'halo effect' is a classic finding in social psychology.

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态度理论是社会心理学中的重要研究领域。Attitude theory is an important research field in social psychology.

态度理论是社会心理学研究的一个重要课题。Attitude theory is a important program of social psychology research.

二年级的时候我们学过一门社会心理学课。We did a course on social Psychology when I was in my sophomore year.

儿童心理学,社会心理学,青少年心里学,两性心理学。Specialized in Child Psyc, Social Psyc, Adolescent Psyc and Gender Psyc.

自我提升一直是人格和社会心理学研究中的主要问题。And a new interpersonal approach about self-enhancement was based on SRM.

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这是社会心理学一个很有趣的领域。And this is one of the more interesting sub domains of social psychology.

两种取向的社会心理学将永远存在和发展下去。So the two branch of social psychologies will exist and develop eternally.

社会心理学理论,包括那些重生的理论,在。Psychosocial theories, including re-emerging ones, increased in ESM and JRME.

群际行为研究一直是社会心理学家的兴趣所在。Social psychologists always are interested in inter-group behavior researches.

这个实验,是社会心理学史上最有名的实验。This is one of the most famous experiments in the history of social psychology.

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当时的挑战是,精神卫生和社会心理学服务都要从零开始。The challenge was to start mental health and psychosocial services from scratch.

我们要与法学教授、法律从业人员、社会心理学家和历史学家一道努力。We worked with law professors and practitioners, social psychologists, and historians.

社会心理学,主要研究人类的群体行为,如何与他人交流。Social, which is the study of how people act in groups, how people act with other people.

所以我想在这两节,社会心理学课最后谈一下群体。And this is where I want to end this section on social psychology by talking about groups.

包括身体语言,已被广泛地研究社会心理学。Paralanguage , including body language, has been extensively studied in social psychology.

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总结一下,在社会心理学里有三个,关于自我的主要发现。So, to sum up, there are three main findings about you that come out in social psychology.

社会心理学中的爱,真正而言,应该是吸引。All right. Now the social psychology of love really has been a social psychology of attraction.

虽然在电视的社会心理学上,他的确是才华洋溢,约尔?欧斯丁却非独一无二。Although remarkably gifted at the social psychology of television, Joel Osteen is hardly unique.