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正文分由四部分组成。The main body concludes four parts.

文本正文分为六章,四部分。The text divides into six chapters.

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这些插图使正文臻于完整。These illustrations fulfil the text.

论文包括前言和正文六章。It includes preamble and six chapters.

正文可以是文本格式也可以是HTML格式。A body can be in a text or HTML format.

有关正文你有什么印相?What impression do you get acres the text?

现在Alex文章有了四个正文段落。Note that Alex now has four body paragraphs.

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正文部分共五章。The core text is divided into five chapters.

为正文段落输入段首句。Input the topic sentences for body paragraphs.

主题匹配器应该扫描多少行正文内容?How many body lines should the topic matcher scan?

论文包括绪言、正文和结论及建议等三部分的内容。The paper is composed of preface, text and conclusion.

在我们就提纲告竣一致以前,写正文是没有意义的。If we do not agree on the outline, any text is useless.

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就是一页有两列正文的那张?It's the one that's written two columns per page. Okay?

正文第三部分总结分析了大学院与大学区制失败的原因。The causes of its failure are analyzed in last section.

本文的正文部分共分四章,计四万四千余字。This thesis comprises 4 chapters, totally 44,000 words.

本论文由绪论、正文、结语三部分组成。This thesis is composed of exordium, text and epilogue.

这些插图是严格地解释正文内容的。The illustrations are strictly illustrative of the text.

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全文包括绪言、正文和结束语三部分。The paper includes introduction, content and conclusion.

题款是正文之外的说明性文字。Title, was the body of the text other than illustrative.

本文包括绪论和正文三部分。This article includes three parts, introduction and body.