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非常大。Very big.

非常禅!Very zen.

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非常感谢!So thanks.

非常爱我吗?Very much?

他非常懒He was lazy.

非常简单Very simple.

性感,性感,非常的性感。Sexy. Sexier.

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她非常紧张。She is tense.

非常跳跃的音乐Pretty skippy.

非常高端。Very advanced.

非常容易赢.Very easy win.

非常棒。It was awesome.

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非常棒。Very well done.

你是我的偶像,我久仰你的大名,我非常佩服你。You're my idol.

当然它们也非常赏心悦目。Also very pretty.

我真的非常抱歉!I am truly sorry.

我真的非常喜欢它。I like it, a lot.

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是非常微妙的It's very subtle.

我是非常高兴的。I’m very pleased.

她非常纯真。She is very pure.