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好,下面来做例题。OK. Let's do examples.

,我们来做一个例题。Well, so let's do an example.

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来看个例题吧。Let's check this with an example.

我们会多做点例题。We will do more examples in a bit.

接下来我讲一个简单的例题。Let us work out a very simple example.

我们做个例题,来看看它是怎么回事。Let's do an example just to see how it goes.

还是这个球面,我们来做第二个例题。Let's do a second example with the same sphere.

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每道例题后面又跟着三个练习题。There are also three problems follow each example.

做例题之前,我先用另一种方式表达一下。Before I do the example, let me just say in a different language.

大家需要记住这些公式,让我们做一道例题。OK, so these are just formulas to remember So, OK, let's do an example.

用例题展示了所建议方法的计算过程。Illustrate the computation procedure of the suggested method by examples.

数值例题展示了生物材料中的多物理耦合现象。Numerical examples exhibit the multi-physical coupling phenomena of biomaterials.

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线性代数和概率书看了一遍,书上例题反复做了好多次。Linear algebra and probability book looked, thresh of the example on the book a lot of.

最后给出了设计例题,显示了本文所提方法的可行性和有效性。Lastly , the feasibility and validity of these methods are verified through a design example.

最后,我们用几种典型例题检验了该算法的实际效果。At la- st, the algorithm works, we used several standard examples to test the numerical results.

通过典型例题,归纳出用高斯定理求解场强问题的四种类型。Do sum up four types using Gauss law to solute the Field strength problems by typical instances.

微软考试详尽的解释,历年试题解析,例题等。Microsoft examinations detailed explanation of the calendar year analytic questions, as examples.

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例题计算结果表明,该模型具有较高的仿真精度。It proved that the 4th-order BDF discrete circuit model has considerably high simulating precision.

课堂上,老师之所以把那些知识在课堂上讲,说明那些例题或者公式非常的重要。On the classroom, teacher put those knowledge in class, those examples or formula is very important.

可以认为w是另一个变量,和例题中给的x,y,z一样。Well, you can think of w as just another variable that is given as a function of x, y and z, for example.