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人才济济的学校。quicker-related college.

老师,祝您教育的学生,人才济济,精英辈出。Teacher, I wish you the education students, a galaxy of talents, the elite men.

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性能团队的精力是非常充沛的,并且人才济济。The Performance Team is a highly energetic one and is full of very talented people.

律师界人才济济,力量强大,且在多数殖民地居于领先地位。The profession itself is numerous and powerful, and in most provinces it takes the lead.

服务外包人才济济,有这样一种说法,四个计算机软件人才中就有一个是湖南人。It is said that in every four computer software engineers, there should be one from Human.

它花大力气教育和培训技术人员,使创新机器的智库人才济济。Its monumental efforts to educate and train have filled the tanks of its innovation engine.

这是一个人才济济的地方,这里的人来自世界各个国家,说着不同的语言,他们虽然种族不同,却能在这走到一起。It is a place where smart people from all nations, all languages and all ethnic groups come together.

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斯莫尔表示,中国球员签约"显示了"中国棒球界人才济济。Small said the signings of the Chinese are “indicative” of the talent that exists in Chinese baseball.

不仅如此,Automattic公司是人才济济,专注于不断提升博客体验。Not only that, Automattic is a company filled with great people focused on improving blogging experiences.

“我们仍在寻找精英人才,人才济济总是没错的,”斯达克如是说。"We're still looking for high-performing individuals. It's always good to have such rich talent, " he said.

这两位新人在阿森纳的季前赛中表现极佳,在人才济济的阿森纳中场中,他们二人的前景依然被广泛看好。The teenage duo were ever-presents in pre-season with both showing promise at the heart of Arsenal's midfield.

总部设立在人才济济的北京市中心,天地融通一定能够为您的经营带来帮助。Based in downtown Beijing with a web of talents, Tiandi Rongtong is well situated to bring value to your operations.

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行业专家称,中国人力成本相对低廉,且程序员和视觉艺术家也是人才济济.China has relatively low labor costs and a plentiful supply of programmers and visual artists, industry experts say.

丰盛泰公司实力雄厚,人才济济,管理精良,具有良好的信誉和广泛的销售网络。Thai companies fulfilling the strength of talent, well-managed, has a good reputation and extensive distribution network.

但是壮文学校人才济济,我们还是碰碰运气,或许会给我们带来不一样的收获。However, many talented people in Zhuang language schools, we take a chance, perhaps not the same as will cause the harvest.

XX公司人才济济,享誉海内外,是杂技之乡河北省的专业文化团体,阵容庞大,设备整齐,实力雄厚。Full of talents and fame at home and abroad, XX is a professional troupe based in Hebei province, home to China's acrobatics.

其结果是,一个人才济济、自然资源丰富的国家变成了一个数百万民众为生存而挣扎的地方。The result is that a country rich in human talent and natural resources is a place where millions struggle simply to stay alive.

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虽然他打球及不错,但当时球队人才济济,可怜的奥巴马在当年夏威夷州的决赛上仅有2分入账。Though a good ballplayer, the team was loaded with talent, and Obama contributed only two points in the state championship game.

然而,在大公司的话这一点是不能保证的,因为那里面人才济济而且老板也有很多优秀的员工。However, you can't make sure this in the big company, because there are so many talents in it and the boss has so many excellent staff.

他面临着挑战,他要在一个人才济济的地方赢得一席之地,而他的竞争对手包括鲁尼和贝巴托夫。He's got a challenge ahead of him to win himself a place among lots of extremely good players, including Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov.