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“自述文件”用户界面对话框。Read Me User Interface Dialog Box.

八福勾勒出耶稣的自述。The Beatitudes offer us a self-portrait of Jesus.

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下载包中有一个简单的自述文件。A simple readme file is included in the download package.

自述文件说明如何恰当地设置环境。The readme explains how to properly set up the environment.

全部细节和安装说明在自述文件。Full details and installation instructions in the README file.

有些病人自述疼痛持续而无真正缓解。Some patients complain of constant pain without real remission.

自述文件建议在安装路径中避免空格。The readme suggests that you avoid spaces in your install path.

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醒来的人自述名叫阿虎,系箭毒部落领袖之一。Wake AHu, fasten readme named one of poison arrow tribal leaders.

所以,研究作家“自述”是文学史研究的一项主要内容。So to study self-narration is amain content of the literary studies.

用户不必在使用程序前阅读自述文件。Users do not have to read a Readme file before using your application.

既往糖尿病的诊断基于患者自述。Previously diagnosed diabetes was determined on the basis of self-report.

你可能需要阅读以下自述文件查看一些比较高级的补充功能。You might want to go through the readme file for some advanced tinkering.

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例如包含文档的文本文件,如自述文件。An example is a text file that contains documentation, such as a Readme file.

本文为作者半生学术经历的自述。It is the author's self-description of his half life's academic achievements.

那么这里你们看了,求助于传统的自述。Well there you have it, narrative selves, situated selves invoking tradition.

DMUC核心的变化的最新信息,请参阅自述文件。Please see the Readme file for the latest information on changes in the DMUC Core.

请根据自述文件应用更新,并等候更新正常完成。Apply the update according to the readme file, and wait for this to finish as normal.

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其艺术的自述性特点和女性主义特征值得我们关注和探讨。The self-narrative characteristic and feminism of her art worthy of our attention and research.

这位医师说,「当麦可‧杰克森自述十二岁时曾长青春痘,我们都知道他认为那次经验是个悲剧。When he was 12, Michael Jackson had acne. We know this, he spoke about it himself as a tragedy.

要求受害者、家长或照护者本人自述的调查的覆盖率和质量。the coverage and quality of surveys that request self-reports from victims, parents or caregivers.