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作为曾经是红极一时的人物,他现已湮没无闻。He was written off as a has-been.

谁用煤炭的灰湮没了壁炉香?Who has submerged the fireplace with coom ?

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那座古城早已湮没无闻。That ancient city has been buried in oblivion.

墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion.

潮水湮没了沙上的足迹。The tide has obliterated the footprints on the sand.

坠花湮,湮没一朝风涟。Fall flowers submerged, buried once they wind ripple.

谈判者和助手们看上去像是湮没在纸堆里。Negotiators and aides seemed to be drowning in paper.

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他的大部份发明都湮没无闻了。Most of his inventions have been consigned to oblivion.

他正接近自己的生涯中湮没无闻的隐晦时期。He was approaching the inglorious twilight of his career.

他的名字被湮没于书末的小印刷字体中。His name was buried in small print at the end of the book.

我知道他们阴谋使我遭人遗忘、湮没无闻。I know that there will be a conspiracy to bury me in oblivion.

Digg保留所有的文档,您甚至可以看到几年以前的东西,并且还可以知道它是否曾经出现在首页,或者湮没无闻。Did it make the front page? Or, did it disappear into obscurity?

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迪金森死后很多年,她的名字一直都湮没无闻。Dickinson's name remained in eclipse for many years after her death.

这对事业发展来说也是“必须的”,你要么发表文章,要么就湮没无闻。It is also a 'must' for career advancement — you 'publish-or-perish'.

从这个梦境里的湮没无闻的财富中,诗人找到了宝贵的财富。Out of the neglected riches of this dream the poet fetches his wares.

他逃跑了,然后行走在大地之上,湮没在荒野之中。He flees, and walks alone upon the land of to become, lost in the wild.

我们知道,关于黄老之学的著作多已湮没或残缺。We know that on the works of Huang's study had more than Oblivion or incomplete.

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迦太基则随着它的灭亡,文明也湮没于历史长河之中。With its destruction carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history.

亚洲和欧洲部落处在这一时期的情况基本上已经湮没无闻了。The condition of Asiatic and European tribes in this period is substantially lost.

古人的苍凉情怀如过眼云烟,留在了湮没的时光里。The blue emotions of the ancients has drowned over time as the past clouds and mist.