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我们做他的八角帽。We made his octagonal hat.

来吧,让我们找一个八角形出来。Come on, let's go find an octagon.

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一元八角七分。One dollar and eighty-seven cents.

我要五张八角的邮票。I want five eighty-cent stamps, please.

这书是八角钱一本。This book is one of an octagonal money.

如果圈子是一个,八角形物是多少?If a circle is one, how many is an octagon ?

平版印刷的八角形的图标条纹,向下前。Litho-printed octagon icon stripe down front.

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八角莲的遗传多样性低,进化潜力和适应性较弱。The last is its low level of genetic diversity.

如果圈代表一个,八角形是多少?。Eight . A circle has 1 line , and an octagon has 8.

八角形表冠设置蓝色凸圆形树冠。Octagonal-shaped crown set with blue cabochon crown.

只是有一块八角七分成钱,叫我有什么办法呢?What could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents?

参观布达拉宫,大昭寺和八角街。D4 Visit Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Street.

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八角形塔楼其余的四个角落的墙上。Octagon —shapedturrets rest on the four corners of the wall.

中间的八角庭里有几个人在谈天说地。The middle octagonal court, there are a few people chatting.

将茶叶,八角,桂皮和香叶放入纱布中并绑紧。Put tea leaf, anise cinnamon and myrcia in the gauze and tight it.

我和几个同学赶到八角村看热闹时,确实看到有些被毁坏了的军车。On the way we saw damaged military vehicles, as well as civilian cars.

深色森林水果香气伴以一丝八角和橡木带来的烤面包香。Black forest fruits with hints of aniseed and a whisper of toasted oak.

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德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第二天就是圣诞节了。One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第二天就是圣诞节了。One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

八角形的灯塔是加拿大最值得摄影留念的风景之一。Its octagonal lighthouse is one of the most photographed spots in Canada.