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请挂上一面“我需要一艘拖轮”的信号旗。Please hoist up a flag "I require a tug".

正如题目中所写,这个版本带来新地图和新信号旗。Like the title says, new maps and signal flags.

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那人在铁路交叉处挥动一面信号旗。The man was waving a flag at the railway crossing.

当然是的,因为那是痛苦的信号旗。Of course it is, as it is the signal flag of misery.

我从这个位置完全可以看到信号旗。The signal flag is fully in our sight from this position.

看到地平线上出现一只船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗。Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress.

乙方在熏蒸期间,应全程悬挂信号旗或信号灯。Party B should hang up the signal flags or lamps during poisonous fumigation.

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蟹堡王前面挂着的信号旗拼不出一个完整的单词。The signal flags hanging on the front of The Krusty Krab do not spell a word.

这些早期的管制员在机场通过摇动信号旗的方式与飞行员联系。The early controllers stood on the field, waving flags to communicate with pilots.

当然在过去,副官掌管着舰队司令的信号旗。In olden days, of course, a flag-lieutenant was in charge of the Admiral's signal flags.

尽管有了现代的通讯手段,信号旗系统仍是主要的通讯手段。In spite of modern means of communication, the system of signaling flags remains the leading means of communication.

这是一种机械式的传播,包含信号旗、21响礼炮、号角、汽笛。This is the mechanical type of communication, which includes the use of signal flags, the 21-gun salute, horns, and sirens.

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当信号旗使火车停下来,这两个人把他扔进行李厢时,他已神志不清了。But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.

随着信号旗的降落,命令被执行了。第17护航舰队不复存在,唐宁被解职了。With a downward haul on the signal halyards , this order was executed, convoy PQ 17 ceased to exist, and Commodore Downing gave up his command.

尽管比赛前3个小时空旷的新场地,在比赛区的尽头是耸动的喷气机队的绿色,以及层与层之间的信号旗。Even in the emptiness of the new bowl three hours before game time, the end zones were a lush Jets green and so were the message strips between levels.

他们通常4、5岁,脏兮兮的站在道路转弯处,用压扁了的绿色雪碧瓶子当信号旗,当道路通畅后,左右挥舞告诉司机通行。Often as young as 4 or 5, they stand bedraggled at the bends, using flattened green Sprite bottles as flags, waving the drivers through when the way is clear.

我可以看见所有传统的信号旗整齐地装载在桥架上-如此整洁,事实上,我怀疑它们和六分仪及闪光信号一样,可能从未被用过。I can see all the traditional signalling flags neatly stowed on shelves on the bridge—so neatly, in fact, that I suspect they might never have been used, together with the sextant, the flares.

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从“梅克莱的骨头的”的成本,纽约巨人队一信号旗,鲍比汤姆森的本垒打,获得了其中一个,炖索恩利讴歌公园和传奇人物的传奇事件。From "Merkle's Boner, " which cost the New York Giants a pennant, to Bobby Thomson's homer, which won them one, Stew Thornley retells the legendary events of the park and its legendary personalities.