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HAP有广泛应用前景。HAP has wide applied future.

它有更广泛的意义。It has a wider significance.

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抢掠行为被广泛报道。Looting was widely reported.

这种药应用得很广泛。This medicine is widely used.

其广泛应用于汽车灯。Its widely used in car lights.

因为这是一个广泛的混乱。For this is a broad-based mess.

他是个兴会广泛的人。He is someone of man interests.

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形状广泛,种类丰富。Shape of a broad, species-rich.

它统治了广泛深远的帝国。It ruled a wide-reaching empire.

但是课程的覆盖面十分广泛,But, um, it's very extensive, and

鹿皮在这里被广泛使用。Deer’s fells are widely used here.

郭很难被广泛地喜爱。Guo is hardly universally beloved.

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金属广泛地应用在工业上。Metal are widely used in industry.

特屈儿是一种广泛使用的炸药。Tetryl is a widely used explosive.

金属广泛地应用在工业上。Metals are widely used in industry.

她的讲话涉及范围非常广泛。Her speech ranged over a wide field.

这首歌正在广泛流行开来。The song is becoming widely popular.

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菟丝子属植物的寄主广泛。Cuscuta spp have wide ranges of host.

“协作”这个概念的含义非常广泛。The term collaboration is very broad.

这些热电偶被广泛用作温度计。They are widely used as thermometers.