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你这里可不可以预购船票?Can I book ship tickets here?

你这里可不可以预购长途汽车票?Can I book coach tickets here?

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我的首选是在线股票预购买卖。My first choice will be online options trading.

好域名存在无限商机!预购从速!Opportunities exist good domain name! Pre-order now!

我得预购音乐会的票。这些音乐会通常在伦敦举行。I have to book ahead for concerts, which are usually held in London.

魔法系统在预购的测试里实装了吗?。Will there be magic implemented already in the beta preorderers get into?

正在制定大流行性疫苗的预购机制。Advance procurement mechanisms for pandemic vaccine are under development.

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顾客可在预购结束之后的20至30天内收到货品。Customers can get them around 20-30 days after the pre-order closing date.

因为专辑预购大卖,唱片公司给S。Following on from the presales success of the album, their company gave S.

每次的预购截止日期都不同,顾客请注意。Each of the Pre-Order closing date is different, the customers please note.

在那之后,联通网站已开始接受摩托罗拉手机的预购。Unicom's website has since started taking pre-orders for the Motorola device.

商品房预购人也不得将预购房商品房预租。The pre-buyers of commodity houses shall not pre-lease the pre-bought properties.

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俱乐部将会努力用各种方法将先前没有售出的计划中的股票得到预购。The club will decide terms and methods for the subscription of previously unsubscribed shares.

请务必读现货的条款与条件因为预购和现货的条款与条件是一样的。Noted that the terms and conditions for ready stock are the same as terms and condition for pre-order.

而在视觉上透过预购海报的露出,又惊见周杰伦带给大家耳目一新的震撼!In the visually exposed through the pre-order posters, but also Alarmed by Jay a fresh shock to us all!

乘客必须在飞机离港24小时前预购行李托运才能享受折扣。Guests must pre-book their check-in baggage more than 24 hours prior to departure to receive the discount.

为保护商品房预购人合法权益,应建立预告登记制度。To protect the legal interest and equity of the house prebuyers, pre-register system should be implemented.

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在另一个赠品「魔杰桌历」上可以看到这次周董为了预购设计所拍摄的12款照片,整体呈现出华丽又复古的氛围!The other pre-order gift is the "Magical" calendar, where Pres Chou shot 12 images of himself for each month.

预购商品会在下单后的3-4个礼拜左右抵达马来西亚,收到货物后会即刻整理,给予买家通知,并且寄出。Pre-order will arrive in 3-4 weeks times after place order, after received goods, we'll proceed to post out asap.

德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store.